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Posts from the ‘Meal Planning’ Category

A couple great tools for the Daniel Fast

There are two kitchen helps I find so very useful during the Daniel Fast.

  • Rice Cooker – mine is small and makes a maximum of 6 cups of cooked rice, but that’s an okay amount for what I need to prepare. For every cup of dry rice, I add 2 cups of water. Toss in some sea salt, pop on the lid, and flip the switch. It turns off automatically when the rice is cooked and it takes about 40 minutes. It’s so easy!
  • Salad Spinner – okay, here is my true confession: I hate making salads. I know I am not supposed to confess negative things over me (maybe I will try and declare that I love making salads during the fast 🙂 ) but for some reasons, making salads is not a thrilling experience for me. That’s why I like using the salad spinner. Easy to just wash, tear, spin and the lettuce is ready.

Just another word on salad making strategies. When I return home from grocery shopping, I cut up all the fresh ingredients for salads and store them in air-tight containers in the fridge. Then when it’s time to make a salad, I just add the amount of each ingredient I want to the bowl and it takes about 3 minutes to put together the medley. The good news is that for someone who has an aversion to making salads, this almost makes it a non-issue! Pray for me!

READ THE LABELS when selecting prepared foods

God bless you all. I am so blessed and honored to be in this position when I can hear from so many of you as you get ready for the Daniel Fast. Please know that God is doing a mighty work. We can all expect great things from our faithful Father. Prayer and fasting is so powerful and while I can’t explain the “why or how” I do know for sure that it moves heaven’s power!

 I receive many questions about prepared foods and so I wanted to write this post. READ THE LABELS of all prepared foods. Remember that the Daniel Fast is sugar-free and chemical-free. So if you use anything like canned fruits and vegetables, packaged foods, or prepared sauces you MUST, before you use them, READ THE LABELS.

Major food companies are “getting it” and now provide many chemical-free products. They’re not as good about sugar additives.  So READ THE LABELS and see if the product you are considering meets with the Daniel Fast Guidelines of no sugar and no chemicals.

Read the Labels When on the Daniel Fast

Most of the meals you prepare while on the Daniel Fast will be from scratch, including homemade soups, casseroles, stir fries, and the like. But there are some excellent organic and chemical-free products available now that can be used for your meal preparation.

 What is the key? READ THE LABELS! You will be surprised at the ingredients used in some mass produced products, not to mention that many foods include sugar. So if you are looking for some time-saving prepared foods, make sure you carefully consider the ingredients to assure their conformity to the Daniel Fast food list.

2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit — $4.95

The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit – $4.95Daniel Fast for Body Soul & Spirit

Available now for immediate download

This 54-page Daniel Fast eBook was written especially for Christian men and women who want meaning and depth to their Fast by prayerful preparation and daily journaling. The eBook includes:

  • Daniel Fast Guidelines
  • Daniel Fast Food Lists
  • Meal Planning Forms
  • Daniel Fast Recipes and Menus (updated with the weekly Daniel Fast Newsletter).
  • How to Prepare your Spirit
  • How to Prepare Your Soul
  • How to Prepare You Body
  • Journal pages to capture your reflections and insights
  • Food log to track your food and water intake
  • Fasting tips
  • Prayers and Meditations
  • Meditations and valuable insights to assure your success for the Daniel Fast.
  • Plus, a free subscription to the Daniel Fast Newsletter so you can learn of miracles, answered prayer, fasting tips, recipes, and other interesting information about the Daniel Fast

And more valuable information that will assure your success for the Daniel Fast. Included with the purchase of The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit is ongoing email follow-ups with recipes, fasting tips, prayers, news about miracles and answered prayer and other Daniel Fast Resources.

Perhaps one of the best benefits of this eBook is that you will learn ways to walk in the spirit and separate from the flesh, just like the Scriptures call us to do. This eBook will help you focus and bring meaning and depth to your fasting experience.

The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit is now available in the eBook form for the low cost of just $4.95

How about honey and syrup on the Daniel Fast?

Another question I get is about natural sweeteners on the Daniel Fast, including honey and maple syrup.

The Daniel Fast is based on the fasting experiences of the prophet in Daniel 1 and in Daniel 10, along with typical Jewish fasting principles. In Daniel 10:3 we learn this: “I ate no pleasant or desirable food, nor did any meat or wine come into my mouth; and I did not anoint myself at all for the full three weeks.”

From this verse is the boundary on sweeteners. So no sweeteners are allowed on the Daniel Fast, including honey, sugar, agave nectar, cane juice or the like.

Pray about the fast and how the Lord would call you to restrict foods. His guidance should be your final decision.

Also, take a few minutes to read this recent post:

Daniel Fast for Better Health

The primary purpose of the Daniel Fast is not to lose weight or improve your physical health. Rather, the Daniel Fast is like all other fasts –refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. If you are entering the fast without a spiritual intent, then you are going on a “diet.” Nothing wrong with diets! But a diet is not a fast, even though the terms seem to be synonymous these days. Fasting is a spiritual exercise that involves the abstention of food. The Daniel Fast is a “partial fast” since one does not refrain from eating, but rather from eating specific foods, but still for a spiritual purpose.

With that said, the Daniel Fast is what I like to call “the whole body experience.” Why? Because while you will gain in your spirit and your soul from the Daniel Fast, you will surely improve your body’s health, as well. That’s because the foods on the Daniel Fast are easy on the body and allows is to function in an optimum manner.

You can review the Food List for the Daniel Fast and see foods to eat include only fruits, vegetables, and water. Foods to avoid completely are sugar, processed foods, dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol and of course, meat. These are all foods that hinder the body from optimum health.

While on the Daniel Fast, your body will experience a certain level of detoxification. It will purge itself of many of the impurities and toxins in its system. While the first few days you might feel a little sluggish, you will most likely experience an increase of energy in the second week.

As you plan your Daniel Fast menus, consider the health benefits of the foods you include.

Here are just some of the benefits from specific foods:

Artichokes contain plant compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats.

Beans are an excellent source of protein and actually one of the best foods to cleanse your colon and aid digestion.

Beets contain betaine, which promotes the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. It also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

Broccoli and other members of the brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi) support the liver’s detoxification enzymes.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Food sources of vitamin C and glutathione, which are essential for detox.

Protein is required by the liver for detox. Beans, nuts, seeds, and quinoa. are just a few that you can add to your menus.

Onions and Garlic
Onions and garlic are rich in sulfur-containing compounds. Involved in sulfation, the main detox pathway for environmental chemicals and certain drugs and food additives. Helps with the elimination of harmful heavy metals from the body.

Daniel Fast Recipes

Over the next few weeks I will add a lot of recipes to this site. For now, click on the Daniel Fast Recipe Category to the left or the submenus for those already uploaded.

But I want to also point out that if you are entering the Daniel Fast as a spiritual exercise, then it’s important to keep food in context. For example, a person I know went on the Daniel Fast for 21 days, but actually consumed more food while on the fast than during non-fast days. The results where improvement in health, slight loss of weight, and very little spiritual growth.

So it’s important to keep the priorities in order and make sure you think through the reasons you are on the fast.

If you are intersted in a collection of recipes to take you through a 21-day Daniel Fast, click here.

Daniel Fast Food Benefits for Health

Increasing your vegetable and fruit intake will have many physical advantages including a certain level of detoxification. As you plan your menus, consider the health benefits of the foods you include.

Here are just some of the benefits from specific foods:

Artichokes contain plant compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats.

Beets contain betaine, which promotes the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. It also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism.

Broccoli and other members of the brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi) support the liver’s detoxification enzymes.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Food sources of vitamin C and glutathione, which are essential for detox.

Protein is required by the liver for detox. Beans, nuts, seeds, and quinoa. are just a few that you can add to your menus.

Onions and Garlic
Onions and garlic are rich in sulfur-containing compounds. Involved in sulfation, the main detox pathway for environmental chemicals and certain drugs and food additives. Helps with the elimination of harmful heavy metals from the body.