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Posts from the ‘Faith’ Category

Be Love

Be Love

My morning started off heavy today. I read a note from a business friend who is really struggling with all the stress and sadness in the world. She’s been through some tough experiences in the recent past that contributed to her blues. But she mainly wrote about the heaviness and darkness she was feeling.

She didn’t end her message in sadness, but rather how she was able “get through” this experience with the help of her husband, family and friends. And so she’s doing better.

But her message caused me to reflect on the really tough times we are in these days. The atrocities going on in Iraq. Natural disasters all over the world. The sad loss of Robin Williams, who for many was a beacon of fun and laughter. And then there are the personal stresses so many are facing with financial pressures, broken relationships, illnesses and disappointments in life.

What Do We Do?

So my first response was to seek the Lord and ask, “What do we do, Father? What do I do?” And the answers were quick and clear.

First is that as children of the Most High God, you and I can put our trust in Him. Even if we don’t understand or if we have questions, our trust can be deeply rooted in knowing that our Father is solid and that He will care for us. We have a security that those who don’t yet know Christ don’t have. And so we can sink into the assurance that our Lord will always be with us. He will never forsake us. And we can count on Him. He says, “Fear not.” And that’s because we can rely on Him and His promises.

The second answer was, “Be love.”

You and are in “in the world, but not of it” (study John 15 and 17). And our hope is not from this world, or circumstances, or even other people, but in Christ. However, we are surrounded by men, women and children who need love. Who need light. Who need hope.

You and I have the love, light and hope of Jesus inside of us. And the world needs what we have! So I encourage you to “be love” to those you meet today and tomorrow and the next day. Whether it’s at the checkout stand at the grocery store or passing someone on the sidewalk. Be kind to your coworkers and your business associates and customers. Be especially loving and caring to your family members and your friends and your neighbors.

Being love to others is always the right thing to do. But today is a really good time to be especially vigilant and purposeful in being love to those we encounter. “Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12

We have the light of life inside of us, not to keep to ourselves. Instead, our light is to be shared. God is love. He is inside of us. And we can be His love today to those He leads across our paths.

Be blessed.




When Will We Really Get It?

No Fear Here!Do you know that you and I have everything we need inside of us to be successful, happy and full of joy?

Even as the world seems to crumble around us, we have something non-believers don’t have and that only translates to goodness and success.

The problem is that we “don’t get it.” We’re the same as those who Jesus lamented over when He said, “Oh you of little faith.”

And because of our “little faith,” studies show that Christians have the same problems and challenges as everybody around us. We have the same relationship problems. We have the same money problems. We have the same health problems. We have the same defeats and brokenness as those who don’t know Christ. And why? Because of our little faith.

“Little faith” doesn’t mean small in amount. The Bible teaches us that we are all given the same “measure of faith.” Our measure of faith is similar to the measure of physical muscles. Two people can stand side-by-side and they both have the same number of muscles in their body. But one works their muscles and so they grow larger and stronger. If that same person stops exercising, then the muscles atrophy and return to their weakened and smaller state.

The same is true with our faith. It’s like a muscle. And the more we exercise our faith, the stronger it gets and the more assurance we have in God and His truths.

My Days of Weak Faith

I remember when I realized my faith was very weak. I was at a crisis point in my life and I had no where in the world to turn. In 2007, the U.S. economy started coming apart. My real estate investing business was hit hard. I stayed afloat by using my business reserves. But then they ran out. So had to layoff my employees and close my office.

I moved my operation into my home office because I still had work crews and properties to manage. I tapped into my personal savings to cover my expenses. But eventually those funds ran out, too. I was flat broke. And that’s when I came to the end of myself. That’s when I realized that I was of “little faith,” especially when compared to my big problems. I didn’t know what I would do. I didn’t know how I could pay my bills. I didn’t even have enough money to put gas in my car or heat my house.

Even though I had been a Christian for decades and active in the church and in ministry I had never been so challenged. I felt as if the crutches that had held me up over the years had been knocked out from under me. And I fell to the ground with no helping had to get me up . . .

Only God

This was a huge turning point in my life. I had only God to turn to. Only God to rely on. Only God to help me. And today I praise only God for seeing me through and showing me how to develop my faith muscles so that He could be all that I would ever need.

God lifted me out of that dark and very scary time and put me on a path for security and success that I never could have seen for myself. He led me back into writing to start teaching about the Daniel Fast. Later that expanded into helping Christians integrate their faith in every part of their lives, including health, finances, business development and relationships.

God saw me through and ever since then I have been working my faith muscles so that they are getting stronger and more able every day! Now I now for sure that every promise in His Word is true and available for anyone who will believe. And now I no longer have “little faith,” but instead a strong and growing faith that not only gives me the assurance and security for a joy-filled life. But also the ability to fulfill God’s call on my life to be a witness of His goodness and bring Him the glory.

That is the good news of the gospel! And this same good news is in you!

Where is your home? The kingdom or the world?

What if I told you that you just won a ticket to take up residence in a land where everything is perfect? No money worries. No strife. No politics. No crime. Everybody loves each other. And whenever you need something, all you have to do is ask and it’s yours! And these are just some of the benefits of becoming a full-fledged citizen under this government.

Sounds inviting, right? Just think of what life would be if we lived there!

The truth is, as soon as you make Jesus the Lord of your life, you do have that invitation. And you are indeed a citizen of a new kingdom (Philippians 3:20). The Kingdom of God!

The problem is that few of us who have that almost too good to be true entitlement really understand it or take advantage of our rights and privileges. I was that way for a long time. But now that I’m learning more and more about it . . . my life has become amazingly better! And the same can happen to anyone. As we know, God is not a respecter of persons. We all have the same opportunities and benefits if we choose to “go there.”

Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:33 that our Father has already made provision for everything we need, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” And a central part of our faith life is learning about the ways of the kingdom and how we “live” there.

Granted, we currently have “dual citizenship.” Jesus prayed to our Father about it, “I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”

We are still “in the world.” And we have work to do in the “family business.” But our home, the place where our heart and hope can reside, is in the kingdom of God. And we don’t have to wait until we leave this world to access the benefits of our “new birth” rights!

Our kingdom life includes rights, privileges, benefits, protection and complete security. And it also includes laws, systems and duties. Jesus came to earth to set up this new kingdom:

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9:6-7

And even when Jesus taught the disciples to pray . . . He instructed them to live the kingdom way now, while here on the earth, “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Luke 11:2

When asked where this Kingdom of God would come from, Jesus responded with an answer that most didn’t understand then and most don’t understand now, “Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21

So what does that mean for you and me today?

I’ve learned that we first must accept that this kingdom is true and that it is ours. And that we are bonafide citizens with papers to prove it! Look what Paul said, “And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.” And from what John saw in his vision: “But there shall by no means enter [the new kingdom] anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27

Your name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life when you make Jesus your Lord. That’s your legal paperwork to be a full-fledged citizen of God’s kingdom.

Once we have established the truth of the kingdom and our citizenship in it . . . we must live out what Jesus said, “They are in the world, but not of it.” Instead, our life is grounded and based on our first home – our kingdom home. We live from that place while we “operate” in the world. We decide that God is who He says He is. That He will do what He says He will do in His Word. And that means that we can have what He says we can have! Anything contrary to God’s truth is also contrary to us! And why? Because we have rights, privileges, benefits, laws, duties and precept upon which we base all of what we believe and upon which we act!

When we examine our own lives and find areas that are not aligned with God’s ways for the kingdom, then we change. Just like Jesus said, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” When the word “repent” is translated it means “change.” Change the way you are thinking. Change the way you are living. There is so much more here now because of the kingdom of God. Believe in this good news . . . the gospel! And live this way! Seek first the kingdom of God and His right way of doing things and then you will have everything you need!

His right way of doing things are the teachings of Jesus, who only taught what He already heard from the Father. These are the commandments or the laws of God’s kingdom. And they are all covered in His Word. It’s not the way the world lives . . . it’s a different way of being. Galatians 5:22-26, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”

The kingdom of God is the truth . . . and the truth will make you free. You are a member of a new land. The invitation has been issued. All you need to do is accept it, take the hand of your Lord, and live this new life! Just like Paul instructed in Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

And why is the emphasis on “the renewal of the mind?” Because the kingdom of God is within. We need to believe it and then let the truth of God rule our lives . . . our kingdom lives! That is the transformation we go after and that only leads to good.

Growth – a bit-by-bit process

Bit by bit

In today’s “instant” culture, we want change to happen right away. Words like “fast” and “easy” are like honey to our psyche that wants results now! But that’s not how growth and development work! And that’s not how God works when He is helping us become more like Jesus.

Think of seed planted in the ground. We know it takes time for that seed to experience the transformation it must go through before it can be sprout. And then the spout has more changes before it can become a plant and produce leaves. And then the plant must grow and mature before it can produce fruit!

Can you imagine standing over a little 12 inch high apple tree seedling and wondering why it isn’t producing apples? Or standing over a shoot of corn that has just broken through the ground and being upset because there are no ears of corn? That’s silly thinking, right?

Yet, that’s what happens to us when we don’t experience the transformation results we want in our lives. We wonder why God isn’t hearing our prayers. Or we say, “Oh, this stuff just doesn’t work.” Then we set aside the very practices that cause growth to happen . . . and go back to our carnal ways. That’s like yanking the seedlings out of the ground because they aren’t producing “fast enough.”

Growth happens bit-by-bit. It’s a process. And as long as we stay in the “hurry up” frame of mind, our growth will be hindered. Instead, to experience the change and transformation that we want in our Christian faith, we need to stay in the process. We need to nourish the soil (our heart) with the Word of God. We need to stay close to the Source of all life so we can be well watered. And we need to be patient, yet full of assurance, that the growth will happen.

God’s spiritual laws are always true. Similar to how the natural laws of creation are always truth (after all – He created those laws, also). So be patient. Stay in the ground. And surround yourself with what you need to become deeply rooted, full of vitality, and able to grow and produce the fruit that is already inside of you waiting to manifest in God’s time!

 “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:4

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

Joint Heir! Really?

You are an heir with Christ.

You are an heir with Christ.

Today in my Discovery Time (I call it that because I discover so much about myself, about God, about who I can be because of Jesus), the Lord pointed out to me that I often “settle for much less” than what Christ has already given me!

As I thought about that notion, I realized “feeling not good enough” was a belief that was deeply rooted in me since childhood. I won’t go into all the details of why that is, but I often felt like I was always striving to “keep up” with others who were better, stronger, smarter, more blessed and on and on. And here I am decades later . . . in many ways . . . still bound by those feelings.

So this morning the Lord challenged me to tackle that toxic way of thinking and deal with it! He’s calling me to replace the lies with His truth about who I am and who He is. So here is the truth about me . . . and about YOU!

“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” Romans 8:16-17

Yes, the truth of God says we are “children of God” and  “joint heirs with Christ.” That got me thinking . . . how does God regard Jesus? How much does He love Him? What would God do for Jesus? Is He pleased with Him? Does He take care of Him?

Without a doubt, God gives only the very best for His Son. And as a joint heir, our Father will also give only the very best for you and for me.

This truth is something we may have heard over and over again . . . yet we let the words evaporate from our thinking like water from dishes in the drying rack. But if we are willing to ponder this truth and renew our minds to it . . . it will change the toxic thinking to life-giving thinking. And that’s what I am working on for me. I want the truth of God flowing through every cell of my body and in every thought in my mind. I want the renewal, the transformation, to take place so I can be and have all my loving Father wants for me. God says in His Word:

My child, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.   Proverbs 4:20-23

Your Father wants only the best for you. He loves you. He cares for you. And just like Jesus, you are His special child. You and I are joint heirs with all the rights that, because God was willing to give His Son to us . . . we can live in abundance, health, security and peace.

Hold onto the truth of who you are and what you have until it’s deeply rooted in your soul. That is the way to transformation by the renewal of your mind.

Be blessed!

Be of Good Courage

courage 7565582_sWhen Joshua had a daunting task before him (to take over where Moses left off and lead the Israelites into the Promised Land) God gave him very clear instructions, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9

Those are instructions we can embrace as we make the choice to walk according to the Spirit.

We don’t hear about having courage for everyday life very often. And we don’t think much about it being a character quality that we want to foster. But courage, especially in today’s chaotic and challenging times, is a powerful tool we all can use.

Courage is “the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” And when we mix courage with faith . . . the combination is unstoppable. Our courage is a product of our trust in God and His Word, just like the Lord revealed to Joshua.

So we want faith driven courage. And when we feel fear coming on, we can pause and remember these instructions . . . and make the choice to trust God and be of good courage.

There is a cousin to the word courage . . . and that it “encourage.” The etymology (study of words) of the word encourage excites me and challenges me to be an encourager. “En” means “to put in.” So when we encourage people, our words and actions serve as a channel to put courage into their lives.

God instructed Moses to encourage Joshua, “Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you, he shall go in there. Encourage him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.” Deuteronomy 1:38

Moses encouraged Joshua over many years as they worked together for God’s purposes. And when Joshua was to take his leadership role, he was prepared in part because of all that Moses had “put into him.”

Another example of the power of encouragement is illustrated in David’s life, “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6  By focusing on God and His Word, David was able to muster courage so he could face the challenges that were before him. Again, faith-based courage gave him the strength he needed.

What do these examples call us to do today? First, we are to foster courage in our own hearts by choosing to trust God and believe He will work in our lives as we follow His teachings.

And then, we can also choose to encourage those around us . . . and encourage ourselves . . . all according to the ways of God. Encouragement doesn’t mean we sweep issues under the carpet or avoid challenges. Instead, we want to encourage others and ourselves to trust in God, to follow His teachings, and to move into the circumstances without fear.

Whatever you are facing today, I encourage you to “be of good courage and do not fear.” Trust in the Lord. Believe in His Word. And walk out in faith as a well-equipped child of the Most High!

Be blessed!

Seek the Lord with All Your Heart . . . really?

Whole HeartHow many times have you read or heard those words and immediately thought, “How can I ever do that? I have so much to do just to live. How can I seek Him with my whole heart?”

I’ve been there, also. But today I received some revelation about this command that I hope helps you. It surely is helping me.

First, our heart is the seat of our thoughts, emotions, intellect and personality. The Scriptures have a lot to say about your heart. You are to guard it. You are to search it. God searches your heart. The Bible says, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” I could go on and on. Your heart is central to your being.

Second, the word “seek” means there is action. Not complacency or waiting for something to happen to you. Instead seeking is diligent and hungry action. The Bible says that the Lord rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Third, we are to seek the LORD. Not fame. Not money. Not position. No the approval of others. We are to seek the LORD . . . and we’re to seek Him with our whole heart.

When we look at the three elements of this command we can gain a very clear and understandable instruction. The Lord is saying, in every area of your life, check to see how I instruct you to do it first. Then act on those instructions. Simple. Clear. Doable.

If you want to know how to have a good marriage – seek the Lord and see what He has to say about it. ~ If you want know about how to raise children – seek the Lord and see what He as to say about it. ~ If you want to know how to be in good health – seek the Lord and see what He has to say about it. ~ If you want to have your financial needs met – seek the Lord and see what He has to say about it. ~ If you want to know how to deal with betrayal or hurt feelings – seek the Lord and see what He has to say about it.

Then, once we know for sure what He wants us to do . . . we are to follow His instructions. Faith without works is dead. God will give us all we need, but we need to do our part . . . and that is obey what He tells us to do.

No matter what is happening in your life – go to God and His Word and find out what He has to show you and teach you and instruct you to do. Not just on a few things, but in ALL areas of you life. That’s what your “whole heart” is all about it. It’s all of you and all that’s going on in your life.

The sure promises of God are yours. He has them waiting for you . . . and He’s giving you the formula for having the success that you want . . . and that He wants for you. He wants us to seek Him because He always know what’s best. And He wants us to put our trust in Him and in His instructions. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Go after God’s instructions for every area of your life . . . then do what He says! Simple formula with HUGE payoffs!

Be blessed!

Who are you listening to?

Ears to hear . . . Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but Him who sent me.” John 5:3

Jesus did only what He heard His Father tell Him what to do. He first was submitted to God. Then He took the time to hear from His Father. Jesus would get up early and go to be with the Father. He would separate Himself from the crowds and from His disciples so He could be alone and listen to God. He studied the Scriptures and was committed to the truth of God.

And then Jesus obeyed. He only did what His Father told Him to do. Nothing more. Nothing less. “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” John 5:19

How about you and me? What and who are we listening to? Are we listening to what the people around us are saying? Are we listening to the lies of the enemy about our circumstances? Are we listening to our own words and ideas? Or, are we maturing into faithful children of the Most High God . . . and like Jesus, listening only to what the Father says and then doing only what He tells us to do.

What we “hear” enters into our consciousness. The words become thoughts that can then fuel actions . . . and those actions have consequences. Words are critical to the way we live our lives. That’s why we need to be careful about who and what we listen to and hear. The Bible says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,  and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”

Arguments, strongholds, knowledge, thoughts . . . all fueled by words that we hear. So what are you hearing? Who are you listening to?

Here is the truth: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 ~ Like Jesus, we want to listen only to what the Father says to us. And He speaks to us through His Word – the Holy Scriptures. When we declare God’s Word over our lives and in our circumstances, we hear God speaking to us. The truth enters our thinking and changes us, directs us, feeds us.

What does God say about your life today? What does the enemy have to say? And what are you going to say?

To those who have ears to hear (that’s you): be like Jesus . . . and do nothing except that which you hear from the Father. Declare His truth over your lives be speaking His Word so you can hear it . . . and then walk in victory, peace and joy knowing that your Father in heaven is committed to fulfilling His Word for it is truth.

Be blessed as you continue to grow in the ways of the Kingdom.

Entangled or Established?

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2, NLT).

What does that scripture mean? How is it possible to not “copy the behavior and customs” of the world when it surrounds us and everything we see and do is affected by the world in which we live?

A key to not being so attached to the world that we conform to it in every way is the next phrase: “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

How can we let God accomplish this? How can our minds be renewed? Paul gives a hint: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5, KJV).

When we receive Jesus in our hearts, He doesn’t want to just be a doorway to heaven at the end of our lives. He wants to renew our minds and recreate us in His image. As we allow him to do so, our minds will be renewed and transformed, and our lives will be completely changed. As such, we will avoid copying the behavior of the world and becoming entangled with the things of the world.

This is what the Lord desires of us: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1, KJV). He wants us to experience the freedom that comes through knowing Him and patterning our lives after the example He gave us. When we become more like Him, our lives will be purposed to further the kingdom of God.

This means something different for each person. When Jesus was on earth, not every individual who believed in Him became a full-time disciple. Joseph of Arimathea believed in Him, but the part he played (providing the tomb for Jesus’ body) was very different from the part Mary Magdalene played, whose calling to follow Him was very different from that of the 12 disciples.

You have a unique calling from God, a purpose that only you can fill. How can you learn to know and understand that purpose, to know “God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect?” You know it by allowing your mind to be transformed through the power of Jesus. As you do so, you will come to know His will in your life, and you will have the strength to follow it.

This is how you keep free from being entangled with the things of the world, even though you are in the world. This is how you become established in the Kingdom and help others to do the same. This is how you fulfill your God-given purpose.

Question . . . how are you doing? Do you find yourself caught up in the trappings of the world? Do you feel like you have to fight off the easy outs that the world-system offers? Believe me, you are not alone. We are called to be very intentional as we open our hearts to the comfort, understanding and direction our Lord generously provides. And then we can be intentional about living our lives according to God’s ways . . . and discover and live in the peace and rest only He can provide.

The Daniel Fast Daily Devotional for Lent

DFLentCover280x448MY GIFT TO YOU!

Announcing the release of The Daniel Fast Daily Devotional for Lent which is a Kindle book and available through Amazon for FREE through February 17th.

ASH WEDNESDAY – Today is Ash Wednesday. Lent will start at sunset tonight (February 13th) and continue until the celebration of Resurrection Sunday (March 31).

Lent is a powerful time of prayer and fasting when millions of believers focus on Jesus and His life and ministry. It’s a time of personal reflection and examination. It’s a time of growth and drawing closer to the Lord.

Lent is a season for denominations that follow the Church Calendar (Liturgical Calendar), including Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Presbyterians and some Reformed Churches. Lent is also observed by a growing number of individuals who want to enter into an extended period of prayer and fasting.

During the Lenten Season, there are 40 days of fasting. These fasting days commemorate the 40 days following Jesus’s baptism that He spent fasting in the desert before starting His public ministry. The fast is “paused” on Sundays as believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and acknowledge that He is alive today!

Balance for Your Daniel Fast

balanceThe Daniel Fast is a powerful method of fasting! I believe it’s bringing hundreds of thousands of men and women into the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting since it’s a partial fast and some foods can be eaten. Many people would not be able to fulfill the demands of their daily obligations if they were to go without food for 21 days. But the Daniel Fast allowed us to have some foods while others are restricted.

The key is to keep all things in balance. We are fasting. The definition of a spiritual fast is to restrict food for a spiritual purpose. So we want to keep that in mind. Just because we can eat food doesn’t mean we want to abandon the restrictive part of the discipline.

On the Daniel Fast we can have hearty and nourishing foods. We don’t necessarily have to “go hungry.” However, we also don’t want to go to the extreme and figure out how we can create foods that continue to feed our cravings.

The Daniel Fast is amazing as it affect the whole person – spirit, soul and body. And part of fasting is putting our flesh in submission as we come under the Spirit of God and allow Him to reign in our lives.

Again, I call all of us to balance. Yes, it’s okay to prepare meals that are pleasant, filling and nutritious. That’s what God wants for us all the time. But we need to institute balance by not catering to the flesh.

We gain life-changing lessons while we’re fasting. Developing the fruit of the spirit of self-control is one of the most precious lessons we can receive. Fasting gives us the opportunity to examine our hearts and to make sure our motives are aligned with the men and women of God we want to be – submitted to Him and walking in His ways.

The Daniel Fast and Fasting for Food

I am delighted to announce a new partnership with Compassion International, one of the most respected child-advocacy ministries in the world, and Richard Bloomer who is an associate professor at the University of Memphis. Richard and his team of researchers have conducted clinical studies that show the health benefits of the 21-Day Daniel Fast.

Together, we are all working to recruit men and women who are using the Daniel Fast to begin the New Year – to help raise funds so children who don’t have enough to eat can receive the food they need.

Go to to see a short video about this great opportunity to make a huge difference in the lives of hurting children. This is an exciting new program and truly puts the power of Christ’s love into action as we help those in poverty by “fasting for food.”

You can also visit the Fasting for Food site:


Daniel Fast – does it change God or change you?

I am now entering into my fourth year of teaching people about the Daniel Fast, a method of spiritual fasting practiced by millions of people throughout the world. Over the years, I’ve answered literally thousands of questions about the Daniel Fast and God has blessed me to make friends with men and women from more countries than I can count.

One thing I’ve noticed is that many people have a serious misunderstanding as to why they fast. And the greatest misunderstanding is that God will think of them as “better Christians” or accept them more readily if they complete a successful Daniel Fast.

But here’s the truth . . . you will not change God’s mind about you through prayer and fasting. The only thing that changes God’s mind about you – or I should say the only thing that will change your position with God – is Jesus Christ.  Because you believe in Christ and abide in Him and His word . . . that’s what makes you acceptable to God. Jesus makes you righteous and able to enter into the presence of the Holiest of Holy. The sacrificial blood of the Jesus did all the work that you will ever need to be acceptable to God.

Another misunderstanding about fasting is that we can change God’s mind by praying harder or more diligently when we fast – as if we need to counsel God so He can make the right decision about a matter.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God greatly desires His will be to “on earth as it is in heaven.” He wants the very best for you and everyone in your family. He wants you healed. He wants you free of worry and stress over money matters. He wants you to have loving and healthy relationships. His Word is full of what He wants – His will for you and for me and for all of humankind.

We don’t need to convince God or inform Him or guide Him. Instead, it’s the other way around. God is eager to shower you with love, healing, peace and goodness. He is good! He is love.

So what are the spiritual laws that God designed so that His will can be done on earth as it is in heaven?

It’s prayer. Prayers from God’s people serve as a conduit to release His will from the spiritual realm into the earth realm. Prayer is the essential element.

One of my favorite Bible teachers likens this spiritual law to a power plant. The power plant is there and eager to release its power to whatever needs it. So let’s say you have a light bulb that you want to use to manifest light. The power plant is where it is ready to release electrical power. The light bulb is with you ready to receive the electricity. But there is a missing part . . . the conduit – the wires. Once the right wires are in place the power plant can release the power – and the light bulb can receive it.

The same is with our amazing Father. He is in heaven full of power, love, mercy and grace. His will is to have His power released in the earth to relieve burdens, bring order to chaos, heal the brokenhearted, remove disease and so much more. But before His power can be released there needs to be the conduit – men and women declaring His will through their prayers. Intercessors are required to stand in the gap for those who can’t pray for themselves. Prayer warriors must voice the will of God for the needs in our world.

Prayer taps into the power plant – the almighty God in heaven – and allows Him to release His power and His ways into the earth realm – His will on earth as it is in heaven.

So prayer and fasting is a period of time where God’s children can separate themselves from their typical activities and focus on God and pray that His will be released in the earth. Jesus says in Mark 11:24, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Notice all the elements? Prayers to heaven – the need on earth – the release of God’s power.

Enter a time of prayer and fasting using the Daniel Fast as your method of fasting . . . study God’s Word to learn His will for a situation . . . and then use your consecrated period of time to pray His will into the circumstances! He already knows everything you need. He’s the almighty God. He doesn’t need us to inform Him or convince Him or move Him.

Instead, God needs you! He needs you to pray . . . and sometimes prayer needs to be intense and focused . . . and that’s when it’s time for a fast! Fasting was designed by God to help us change what we’re doing in our typical days so we can pray that His will be done – on earth as it is in heaven.

Be blessed on your fast.

The Daniel Fast in the Bible

The Daniel Fast is based on the fasting experiences of the prophet Daniel from the Old Testament in the Bible. It’s a partial fast where a group of foods are restricted for a spiritual purpose.

The Daniel Fast affords people a powerful time to focus special attention toward their God and His Word – the Holy Bible.

Since 2007, this blog has served thousands of men, women and teens who enter the Daniel Fast to draw closer to God, pray for specific purposes or to study the Bible and learn God’s ways.

My prayer is that you will spend some time on the blog and also visit and learn about the fast. You will find a caring and warm community here – and you can join our mailing list by going to to receive complimentary information about the fast, Bible study messages and devotions.

Be blessed as you continue to grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Daniel Fast and Study the Word of God

If you’ve been wondering where this gal has been for the last while . . . well the mystery is over! I’ve been glued to my keyboard writing another book that I hope will be a great help and gift to you! The eBook is called Study the Word of God to Change Your Life and it’s available for immediate download. I wrote it because I truly believe God is calling to His chosen people (that’s you and me . . . anyone who is born-again) to step up to a new level in faith!

Study the Bible to Change Your Life

Study the Bible to Change Your Life

I also know that faith and knowledge in God’s Word go hand in hand. More knowledge . . . more faith. Do you want more faith? Then increase your knowledge in God’s Word! Studying the Word of God to Change Your Life is also a great tool to use during your Daniel Fast! Remember, the Daniel Fast is about a lot more than restricting food. It’s about entering a period of time with intense focus on God and His Ways. Where do you learn about Him and the way He wants us to live a powerful and fruitful life? In His Word.

Since teaching about the Daniel Fast, I’ve heard from thousands of men and women who are seeking a deeper and more powerful relationship with God. I know what that hunger is about. I’ve been there, too. But I also know the amazing benefits of getting into God’s Word and having it feed my spirit to such a degree that I literally have to shout!

That’s the kind of faith our Father wants us to have. He also wants us to know Him and who we are as His children. So He gave us His Word. He wants us to live a powerful and amazing life so that people will see us and want what we have. That’s being a powerful example of Christ in our lives . . .

I hope you will look into this new eBook. It’s getting great reports from all who have seen it. I am delighted that God led me to create this book. Writing it was a powerful experience as I too focused more on the amazing power we have accessible to us . . . and it’s all in His Word! A treasure chest of love, grace, mercy, hope, faith and power!

The Daniel Fast and Financial Breakthrough

Okay friends, the world is experiencing tough times with the financial markets in a free-fall with no sure end in sight. Perhaps you’ve experienced losses at this time, along with many in the United States and throughout the world. But one thing we know from the Scriptures is that, “We are IN this world, but not OF this world.” And now, perhaps more than ever before in our lifetimes, is when we need to press into God and focus on Him rather than the fear and dread that wants to overtake us.

Fasting to “tune up” your spiritual life is a really smart thing to do! Why? Because fasting is setting ourselves apart . . . and centering our lives on God. It’s not just eating differently and expecting some supernatural results. But rather, fasting helps us focus more on God and His Word and as His truth takes root in our heart, we experience the supernatural power of the Most High God.

If you are feeling nervous or anxious right not, take this opportunity to pray and fast. You might just start with a three-day Daniel Fast . . . and see how things go. You might want to extend if you sense the Lord calling you to a deeper place of understanding with Him. But as you fast, be sure to focus on the Lord. Get your eyes off the circumstances of this world and on to the promises of God in His Word.

Read Deuteronomy 28, do a study on the word “faith,” or read about the many times the Lord helped His people in times of great economic stress. Feed your spirit by meditating on God’s truth! We are His people. He is our God. And He will see us through.

Take minute right now and read Psalm 91 and claim the hope and security the Lord has for you as you dwell in the secret place of the Most High. Remember, we are in the world but not of this world. We have another place where we can call home . . . the kingdom of God. So seek Him, His truth and His ways. Then you will find the joy, peace and security only He can provide.

Seven-week Fast for Financial Breakthrough

Hi fasting friends, 

I am on the third day of a new seven-week fast for financial breakthrough. I am using the Daniel Fast but very modified in that I eat only hot cereal for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a simple dinner. I am drinking only water and don’t eat between meals. Why so radical? Because I want big things from our Big God!

The thing the Lord is showing me so very clearly is that receiving His goodness and blessings is all about faith . . . faith in His Word and faith to receive.

The Scriptures are full of God’s promises. He is a good God! As followers of Jesus Christ we should be the most powerful and most blessed people on the face of the earth! Jesus bore the curse for us and won every good thing that the Father wants us to have. Yet far too many of us are sick, busted and disgusted!

Why, because the enemy has hampered our faith. Through various deceitful ways, he has kept us from apprehending those things that are rightfully ours! Whether it is lack of knowledge, wrong teaching or just not going after the things of God, too many of us are weak, broken and not walking in the fullness of Christ.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they went from life to death. But when we accepted Christ as our Lord we were born again! We went from death to life! That means that everything Adam lost, Christ (the second Adam) got back for us. That’s why Jesus is called the “Redeemer.” In Hebrew that means “one who buys back what was lost.”

Being born again means that we moved from one reality into another. Our born again state is as children of the Most High God. I wish churches would have a ceremony fitting of what really happens when one enters into the family of God. The trumpets should sound, the new heir should be wrapped in a royal robe and their head topped with a bejeweled crown. He or she should receive deeds to all that is now theirs and they should receive a document that lists their rights and benefits now that they are a child of the Almighty God.

That’s more like what happens in heaven! The angels rejoice because they know the significance of being born again and gaining this new position in the kingdom of God.

If we really believe, then we should be walking in total victory! Granted, there will be skirmishes with the prince of darkness. Jesus warned us of that, but He teaches us not to worry! He’s taken care of it! “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

So I am back to the faith question. Do we have the faith to believe that what the Bible says is true? Or, do we have our work cut out for us?

For me, it’s the latter. I made a commitment many years ago to believe the Bible. But my faith needs to grow . . . Romans 10:17 teaches, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

So my marching orders during this seven weeks of prayer and fasting is to mine the truths in the Word of God. To dig very deep and plant those seeds in my heart and nurture them with prayer, worship and devotion.

I heard a man say the other day, “People don’t change unless the same becomes more painful than the effort it takes to change the way they are.”

 I’ve heard other say things like, “You have to get mad about what’s happening to you so you can put up the good fight.”

Jesus said it this way, “And from the days of John the Baptist until the present time, the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force [as a precious prize-a share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion].” Matthew 11:12 Ampliphied Bible.

Well, I am there. No more half way . . . and no more lasting for a few days and then reverting back to old ways. I am tired of not realizing the great life the Bible says we should have. I am tired of being defeated and held down by the enemy’s tricks and my little faith.

Last night when I was thinking about all this I saw a picture in my mind of my hands reaching up toward heaven while heavy shackles wrapped around my ankles. I want whatever holds me back to be gone! I want the truth that will set me free and I want the glorious life Jesus died to give me! I’ve got that mother bear kind of resolve in me for the things of God and I am ready to do whatever is necessary to get to where the Almighty King wants me to be!

I am so glad that dozens of you are joining me in this seven-week prayer and fasting period for financial breakthrough. If you want to “get on board” please send me an email. But be ready to “go for it.” This is not for the faint of heart or for those who are not wiling to put in the effort. We are expecting big things from our Big God . . . and so we are wiling to do what it takes.

Bless you, dear friends and thanks for our encouraging words and support.

Susan Gregory

The Daniel Fast Blogger

Fasting with a Purpose – The Daniel Fast

When you study the Scriptures, you’ll find that when people fasted it was for a purpose — not just a religious exercise. Daniel fasted from the king’s foods and wine because they had been offered to the Babylonian gods and he didn’t want to defile his body. He later prayed and fasted to “encourage” the prophesied release from captivity for the Israelites from Babylon. And in his third recorded fast, Daniel was seeking solace for the great pressure he felt because of a dream he had experienced.

 In the New Testament, people would fast when they needed guidance or answers to prayers. Many times, when the Scripture used the words “by prayer and supplication” it likely referred to fasting.

As you prepare for your Daniel Fast, what will be your purpose? Are their special needs in your family? Is there a loved one who has not accepted Christ? Do you have financial pressures? Is there illness that needs healing? Do you need a new job or help with your business?

Take some time and write down your needs and your purpose for fasting. These will be your subjects of prayer and Bible study. Amazing things happen during times of prayer and fasting! Seek the Lord. He is our Holy God! The Almighty. And nothing is impossible for Him. Call on the Name of the Lord! Prayer opens the doors of our lives so the Lord can perform His works! Ask. Seek. Knock.

Fast with a purpose! And see what the Lord will do!

2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit — $4.95

The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit – $4.95Daniel Fast for Body Soul & Spirit

Available now for immediate download

This 54-page Daniel Fast eBook was written especially for Christian men and women who want meaning and depth to their Fast by prayerful preparation and daily journaling. The eBook includes:

  • Daniel Fast Guidelines
  • Daniel Fast Food Lists
  • Meal Planning Forms
  • Daniel Fast Recipes and Menus (updated with the weekly Daniel Fast Newsletter).
  • How to Prepare your Spirit
  • How to Prepare Your Soul
  • How to Prepare You Body
  • Journal pages to capture your reflections and insights
  • Food log to track your food and water intake
  • Fasting tips
  • Prayers and Meditations
  • Meditations and valuable insights to assure your success for the Daniel Fast.
  • Plus, a free subscription to the Daniel Fast Newsletter so you can learn of miracles, answered prayer, fasting tips, recipes, and other interesting information about the Daniel Fast

And more valuable information that will assure your success for the Daniel Fast. Included with the purchase of The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit is ongoing email follow-ups with recipes, fasting tips, prayers, news about miracles and answered prayer and other Daniel Fast Resources.

Perhaps one of the best benefits of this eBook is that you will learn ways to walk in the spirit and separate from the flesh, just like the Scriptures call us to do. This eBook will help you focus and bring meaning and depth to your fasting experience.

The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit is now available in the eBook form for the low cost of just $4.95

Whose Voice Is That, Anyway?

 In a short time, you will begin the Daniel Fast, a time when you will increase your time with God in prayer. It’s a time when you hope to hear from the Lord about specific things you are bringing before Him.

But do you ever wonder if the “impressions” your hear are from God, you , other influencing voices in your life, or the enemy? It’s a common problem that I hear people talk about all the time. I used to wonder about it myself, until I learned how to distinguish between those voices.

Think about it. You pick up the phone and hear another voice on the line saying, “Hi! How ya doin.” The caller doesn’t have to identify himself because he knows you will recognize his voice. And you don’t have to ask who’s calling because you do in fact recognize the voice.

Now, why is this voice so identifiable? Because you have spent enough time with the person so that his voice is familiar. You’ve talked with him and he’s talked with you. You know each other!

The same goes with God. When you spend time with Him you will recognize His voice out of the crowd of others who are trying to get your attention.

Keep in mind that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His voice NEVER changes. One of the best ways to become familiar with the sound of His is to hear what He says in His Word (interesting that it’s called that — coincidental?).

The voice you hear in Scripture is the same you will hear when the Lord speaks to you in that “still small voice” that comes up in your spirit. And as you spend more time with Him in His Word and in prayer, you will soon become very familiar with His voice.

The Daniel Fast is a perfect time to seek the Lord and to learn the sound of His voice if you are not already familiar with it. The great news is that once you know it, you will just want to hear it more and more. That’s part of the blessed life! Amen!