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Posts from the ‘Spiritual Fasting’ Category

21 Day Daniel Fast – More and more turn to this powerful discipline

Fasting has been practiced by the faithful for centuries, but then seemed to drop out of practice. But the 21 Day Daniel Fast has experienced a huge upsurge in popularity. It seems that more and more men and women want to take their faith to a more powerful level. And they are turning to the 21 Day Daniel Fast as a way to draw nearer to God as they diligently seek His kingdom.

I hope you find this site helpful if this is the first time your have fasted for 21 days or more. You will find many helps from others as well as recipes and lot of advice about fasting.  I encourage you to click on the Start Here page. Then stick around a while. Many of your questions will be answered and you likely will be encouraged and motivated to experience the many benefits of prayer and fasting.

Also, if you are entering a 21 Day Daniel Fast and have questions, please feel free to ask them by leaving a comment. You will not only receive an quick answer from either me or another person in our Daniel Fast Community, but you will be helping others as they read your comment!

God bless you and I hope the very best for you as you seek the Lord.

A Call to Faith, Trust and Ministry

I’m writing today to share some thoughts with you as we experience these unprecedented times in this old world. I am not writing a message of gloom or despair. But instead just some thoughts from one friend to another . . .

The reality is that a major shaking is taking place! I listened to the news broadcast on CNN (Christian News Network) on Friday and the headlines seemed more fantasy than real. It reminded me of an episode of Mission Impossible. Here were the announcements: 

  • The FBI is investigating Lehman Brothers and three other contributors to America’s financial crisis to determine possible wrong-doing along with concerns that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG or Lehman may have sought to encourage agencies to inflate their ratings.
  • WAMU (Washington Mutual Bank) lost more than 50 percent of their loan portfolio overnight and finally was seized by the government and eventually taken over by Chase.
  • World credit markets are frozen.
  • The risk of a worldwide financial meltdown is in sight.
  • Congress goes to work to consider $700 billion economic bailout, the biggest in human history.
  • Housing market experiences greatest downturn since the Great Depression.
  • 54,000 children in China are sick from contaminated milk and baby foods. Four infants have died.
  • Police are called to patrol lines of drivers waiting to fill their cars’ gas tanks after Hurricane Ike. Some arrests took place. Some drivers were stranded and unable to get to work.
  • Some colleges had to close because students were not showing up for classes due to the gas shortage.
  • There was a prayer rally in India to show support for thousands of local Christians who have been displaced due to deadly attacks from Hindu radicals. The threat is, “Go back to Hinduism or die.”

No, this isn’t from some Sci-Fi script. All these things are taking place right now as you read these words.

The credit crisis is the biggest news, and it isn’t something that will go away soon. Worldwide political issues are stirring. And we’re about to elect a new president and experience a significant change in our government.

This is all a recipe for fear, worry and panic. But that’s only if we trust in the world’s systems rather than God’s If there was ever an important time to focus on prayer, strengthen our faith, and depend on God, it is now. 

I also find it very interesting that we are about to enter one of the most significant times in the Jewish calendar. September 29th marks the New Year on the Jewish calendar. It’s called Rosh Hashanah, also known as a Day of Judgment, and is the first of a 10 day period of repentance. These days are for reflection, self-examination, consideration of ones ethical and moral responsibilities, and it provides each person an opportunity to restore relationships with other human beings and with God. 

This time or repentance (change) leads to the holiest day in the Jewish year, Yom Kippur, known as the Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur is a 25-hour period of fasting, worship, and thoughtful reflection on the past year. It is intended to encourage an inner change, a “return” to living life as God and an appropriate lifestyle for His holy people. This year Yom Kippur starts at nightfall on October 8th and is completed at nightfall on October 9th. 

As Christians, Christ is our eternal atonement. We are assured of forgiveness because of His blood. But are we living according to Kingdom of God principles. As the world money systems shake around us . . . are we worried about our future because we have placed our faith in mammon and not in God? 

Is our loving Father giving us a wake-up call? A call to arms? A call to faith? 

I have exchanged emails with many other members of our growing Daniel Fast Community over the last many months. Many faithful men and women have expressed their “sensing” of preparation of something to come. Are we getting ready for what could be the greatest hour for the Body of Christ to minister to those who don’t yet know their Savior? 

I am not making any predictions, because I really don’t know. However, I do know that when I look at the circumstances, the world is a very unstable place. And I see many similarities between today’s events and what I read in Joel, Daniel, Matthew and Revelation (just to name a few). 

Isaiah 50:7 reads, “For the Lord GOD will help Me; therefore I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.” 

Are we, children of the Most High God, being called to “set our faces like flint?” In other words, are we being called to take are faith more seriously than at any other time in our lives? Is this a time to press into the things of God as never before? Are we to be so focused on God that we look neither to the left or to the right? Is this one of those times when after we have done all we know to stand we are to stand? 

Those who depend on the world could be in store for a very hard time . . . but not us. You and I are children of Jehovah Jireh and El Shaddai. We are in this world but not of this world . . . and we each have an opportunity right now to search our hearts . . . to make sure there is good ground in which the Word of God can grow and flourish. The Kingdom of God is our home, our trust and our security. God is faithful and longs to have us depend only on Him. 

God bless you and thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts with me and others!

The Call California – 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Lou Engle just announced that there will be a new gathering of the faithful in California on November 1st. Preceeding this gathering, he is asking for believers to support this event with 40 days of prayer and fasting. Many will use the Daniel Fast.

Here is information for The Call website:

TheCall California – November 1, 2008

Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego

TheCall California Part 1:

They came like waves crashing onto the shores of California. Leaving behind a legacy of glory and apostolic influence, great manifestations of the power and love of God broke in on past generations of hungry saints. Waves of God’s great presence cascaded upon her shores in 1906, 1919, 1947, 1948, 1967, 1971, 1980, and 1994. These waves are California’s revivals. In the midst of unspeakable decadence, corporate greed, cultural trend setting, and global pornographic exportation, there lies deposited deeply below California’s crusty surface gold-there’s oil in her hills. Something continually draws God to the scene. Could it be that God is drawn to her pain? Maybe God sees her shores as hosting planet’s lost prophets with misplaced passions or maybe he is drawn to the cry of her wandering masses. Whatever be the case, He comes, and when he does, the entire world is changed. The tongues of fire that erupted at Azusa have lit up the world. The revivals sown in Hollywood loosed great evangelists like Bill Bright and Billy Graham. The Jesus Movement gave us Calvary love songs that have kissed the youth of the globe. The new wine of worship and healing came from California’s vineyards. These ancient songs awaken us from our nightmare and remind us something that was and can be again. Hollywood, the “woman at the well”, could become the great evangelist again in these last days.

In 1946, Franklin Hall launched a fasting and prayer movement out of San Diego with a book called Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer. Thousands were stirred to enter into extended consecration fasts. Shortly after, the great healing revival broke out in 1947, followed by the campus revivals, and the Hollywood revivals in 1948. In the very same year, across the globe in the heart of the middle-east, by God’s divine mandate Israel was again called a nation. Could there be that there was a connection between what God was doing in California and the orchestrating of His divine purposes in the creation of the nation of Israel? Is it possible that the outpouring of God presence and the igniting of prayer in California were in reality connected with God’s heart to birth an entire nation? I believe it was global Joel 2 moment in which the scripture promises that after the fast, God would restore the land and pour out his spirit on all flesh. I hear TheCall again; “Gather the people, call a fast, and afterwards I will pour out my spirit.

Now 50 years later, California sits within a fog of Jezebel confusion. Recently the Supreme Court of California disregarded the votes of the people and legalized homosexual marriage. The entire world listened attentively as the mayor of San Francisco boasted, “As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. Its inevitable, this door is wide open. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. This is the future, and its now.” The world is looking to California for moral leadership while California finds herself caught in the snare of idolatry and self-worship. Recently I received an urgent call on behalf of hundreds of pastors admitting that California wouldn’t be saved simply political petitioning and confessed the reality of an ongoing spiritual battle within the state and the need to mobilize for mass fasting and prayer. They asked us to bring TheCall to San Diego, not knowing that we received several powerful directives from the Lord a year ago that TheCall was going to go to the stadium in San Diego.

This bill mentioned is a reflection of how far down the line we have come in removing the very moral foundations that preserve society. The moral levies in America are breaking and once marriage is redefined, it will be a matter of time before the entire structure of morality collapses within our nation. In one sense, this bill mirrors our own inward moral concessions as a church to the prevailing culture, and it is the fruit of a compromising silence that has failed to confront the rising spiritual and political contenders. But it is not too late! This is not a time for hiding in caves. This is a time to resist mightily the spirit of peaceful coexistence and apathetic resignation in the face of this prevailing darkness. We are coming to a Mount Carmel moment, which I believe could be the church’s finest hour where she challenges her own compromise and then gains authority through prayer and action which is her true vocation. Then our light will break forth like the dawn and truth will no longer be trampled under the feet of renegade kings and judges. The church is not at the mercy of political decrees of destruction. Jesus is the Lord of history! Though these decrees stand today, they will not stand forever. God is the one who reverses the edicts of man, using the church as an agent of righteous revolution to displace kings and overthrow their decrees through the weapons of fasting and prayer.

Therefore, we are summoning believers from all across the state of California and the nation to gather for a Joel 2 moment. When there is no remedy, when there is no natural hope, God still has a holy prescription. Blow the trumpet in Zion, gather the people, and call a fast. Let the believers of this great state gather and cry out to God believing that California could become the flash point of real change in America not the open door to societal collapse. Let us return to the fasting praying womb in San Diego and seek the face of God on November 1st, 2008 at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, CA. 

Teens on the Daniel Fast

I receive many questions about getting family members on board for a Daniel Fast, and frequently parents ask about how to motivate their teens to enter into the discipline. So I wanted to share my thoughts about this topic, especially since fasting and the Daniel Fast are growing in popularity among followers of Christ around the world.

First, I encourage parents familiarize themselves with the fast and why it is such a powerful discipline. Also, learn of the health benefits of the Daniel Fast as well as the benefits to the spirit and soul.

Then, call a family meeting to introduce the Daniel Fast to the other family members. Explain that you (the parents) have chosen to enter into the spiritual experience and that your hope is that the whole family will engage in the fast. Explain what the fast is, perhaps reading Daniel 1 and Daniel 10 and showing them a print-out of the Daniel Fast Food List.

However, be quick to explain that you understand that as teens, their food needs are different since they are growing and physically more active. Suggest that they continue to eat chicken and less bread or other foods that would assure their success on the fast.

Ask them if this is something they would like to do and what modifications they think might be good. And tell them you want to help them be successful on their fast.

If your teen balks at the fast, ask him or her to consider it for a day or two before giving a final answer. If they don’t want to participate, then accept their decision and let it go. Tell them they can change their minds, or decide to fast from soda or candy or some other single food. But since this is a decision they need to make for themselves, let them decide.

Younger children should not be required to engage on a full Daniel Fast, however it would be okay to introduce your children to fasting by leading them into a fast from candy or sugary desserts.

Remember, a fast should never be harmful to ones body and should guide the believer into a deeper walk with Christ. Fasting is a discipline, but it is not legalistic. There is no power in foods eaten or restricted. The power is in putting your spirit in charge of your soul and your body . . . committing the fast and the time to the Lord and drawing closer to Him as you seek Him with your whole heart.

Parents, please offer your comments! Perhaps you have some ideas that can help others as they lead their family into the power and discipline of spiritual fasting.

The Call DC – Live on – August 16 10 to 10

TheCall DC – LIVE on GOD TV!
August 16 from 10am to 10pm [ET]


Don’t miss this year’s biggest TheCall event as crowds of Christians gather at the National Mall in Washington DC on August 16.


Tune in for this exclusive LIVE broadcast as countless Americans repent of their sins and cry out to God to impact their nation. This promises to be a life changing solemn assembly that will see prayer warriors from all over the United States join in a massive day of united prayer and fasting to seek God’s face for their cities and nation.


If you can make it, register now. But if you can’t, then tune in to GOD TV, set up a big screen at your home or local church and invite everyone to join together. Whatever you do, don’t miss this extraordinary event!


“Eight years ago, God by His Spirit moved the church in America to pray. It made a difference in our national life. In this present year of political campaigning, the Church needs to be on its knees. I want to encourage you to be there as you are able. TheCall to the Mall, let’s pray for our land and God will answer us.” — Jack Hayford


“TheCall DC is going to be a true national solemn assembly. Bring your family, bring your sons and your daughters, your wife, your husband, your dogs, your cats, whatever you need to bring with you to be there! I’ll see you there!” — Rick Joyner


“Come to Washington DC, to the National Mall. August 16th. And hear TheCall DC for your life, your family, your state, and our nation. We will humble ourselves and pray and fast and seek the face of The Lord. God bless you and I’ll see you in Washington DC.” — Luis Palau


“I believe August 16th will be a significant day in the history of our nation. As hundreds of thousands gather to The Mall in Washington DC for prayer and fasting believing that God can turn our nation back to him.” — Mike Bickle


Visit online for the latest programming times and information on how you can watch GOD TV.

MorningStar Call to Prayer & Fasting 08.08.08

MorningStar Ministries, under the leadership of Pastor Rick Joyner, has been led to call a 40-day fast leading up to 08.08.08 or August 8, 2008. Here is what they announced:

We are going to proclaim a solemn assembly and fast for forty days leading up to August 8.  Some may want to do a total fast; others may want to fast from something like desserts or television.  Let the Lord lead you, but if possible, we will be gathering on August 8 for a celebration and, I think, a commissioning.  If you can join us at H.I.M. for any part of this, please do.   If you cannot be here, you can still join us by webstreaming wherever you are. – Rick Joyner

You can learn more about this fast by visiting the MorningStar Ministries website. You can also see a video presentation by Rick Joyner about this very important call to prayer and fasting. Even though the fast has already started, it’s not too late to join in this corporate movement.

The Call in Washington, DC – A Call to Fast and Pray

There is a powerful move about to take place in the United State’s national capital of Washington, DC known as The Call. On August 16, 2008, under the leadership of Lou Engle, tens of thousands of men, women and youth will gather on the Capital Mall grounds to enter into collective prayer and fasting. You can read more about this move by clicking on this link: The Call

The following text is from The Call website:

TheCall is a divinely initiated, multi-racial, multi-generational, and cross-denominational gathering to corporate prayer and fasting. We believe that our nation is in desperate need of the mercy of God and a great Spiritual Awakening. TheCall is committed to mobilizing people from all across America to gather together to petition God for His undeserved mercy for our nation in 12-hour solemn assemblies. Just as in the days of Joel, we believe that now is the time to blow the trumpet across our land, to fast, to pray, and return to the Lord with all our hearts.

In the midst of an “entertainment” driven society, TheCall does not seek to entertain, but to encounter God. Unlike other mass gatherings which attract people through the rhythms of loud music, the glamour of flashing lights, or through the appeal of charismatic personalities, TheCall is a gathering centered around the affections of a loving God. There will be no advertised bands and no promoted speakers, as our purpose is not to promote any man or ministry.

TheCall is a FAST not a festival. TheCall is a SOLEMN ASSEMBLY not a conference. Whereas conferences focus primarily on training and discipleship, the 12 hours of TheCall are spent primarily before the Lord in the place of prayer and worship. We believe the hour is late and the times are urgent. Our nation is in desperate need of revival and it will be only through the corporate body of Christ uniting in the place of prayer that we will find any hope in this hour. We believe we can see our nation changed as the Lord pours out His Spirit and brings refreshing to the broken, destitute, and the weary across our land.

I encourage you to look at The Call site to learn more about this assembly. Consider joining the gathering, or supporting it with your own prayer and fasting.

I will post more abou this event in the coming weeks.

Jentezen Franklin and the Daniel Fast

As I write this post, I am listening to an interview with Steve Strang from Charisma Magazine and Jentezen Franklin. They are talking about the great benefits of fasting. Jentezen talks about several kinds of fasting, including the Daniel Fast.

I will try to post the link to the interview so you can listen to it when it’s available. One thing that is clear, more and more people are turning to prayer and fasting as they seek a closer relationship with God. Even today, I am finding an increase on the number of people visiting this site, receiving the recipes they need to complete a successful fast, and reading the encouraging posts from people around the world who also are fasting now or have fasted in the recent months.

God is moving! He is preparing His people for these days. The Daniel Fast is a powerful way to draw near to God and to bring your needs before the Lord!

If you are visiting this site for the first time, I encourage you to spend some time here. There are hundreds of posts, so to get a good start, start at the beginning by going to the first page and then move around and read and learn about this powerful form of spiritual discipline.

Fasting Means Refraining from Food for a Spiritual Result

I know I might step on a few toes with this post, but I just want to make one thing very clear. That is what fasting IS and what it IS NOT!

The word FAST in Hebrew means “to cover the mouth.” In the Greek, FAST means “to abstain from food.”

So, when someone says, “I am fasting from television,” it’s like saying, “I am going to cover my mouth and not watch T.V.” Or, “I am going to abstain from food by not watching television.”

That doesn’t make sense, does it? Fasting is abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose. It always has to do with food, and it’s not about abstaining from other activities.

Please uderstand, I am not saying that it isn’t a good a powerful exercise to abstain from an activity such as television to spend more time in prayer, study or meditation. That’s all very good. But it is NOT fasting. Fasting has to do with food.

Remember that we are a spirit, we have a soul (also called the flesh in scripture) and we live in a body (like an “earth suit”). When we fast, our spirit-man is taking control over our soul and our body. Our spirit is saying to the other parts of us, “I am in control. I know you feel hungry. I know you may want a slice of bread or a cup of coffee, but you can’t have it. I am in control of you now and you must obey me.” Your spirit is taking charge!

Experiencing this kind of discipline helps you grow in faith. It helps your innerman know that s/he can have authority, even when the soul and body don’t agree. Fasting puts all of you on high alert to the things of God. It’s a spiritual discipline unto the Lord.

Abstaining from an activity to replace the spiritual discipline of fasting is like saying to God, “I want to do this my way, not Yours. I want Your results, but on my terms.” This is all mixed up. If you want the benefits of fasting, then fast. Give up food or some types of food for a period of time. Take control of your soul and your body. Quicken your spirit. Open it to the Lord and His wisdom. Fasting is of God. The patriarchs, Jesus and the New Testament leaders fasted and prayed when they wanted to focus intently on God.

The Daniel Fast is a partial fast because only a partial list of foods are not eaten. It’s an excellent way to enter a short fast if you are new to fasting, and it’s especially great if you are led to a long-term fast, like Daniel did for 21 days as recorded in Daniel 10.

Let’s make sure that we keep the fast what it is . . . abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose.

The Daniel Fast Blogger says, “Thank you!”

Thank you so much to all of my brothers and sisters in Christ who have added their comments to this blog, written words of encouragement and supported me by purchasing the Daniel Fast Cookbook and The Daniel Fast for the Body, Soul and Spirit.

You have blessed me! And I give God thanks for you every day!

Many of you know that 2007 was a huge struggle for me . . . but praise be to the Most High God! He is faithful and has sustained me and ministered to me in mighty and tangible ways! One of the most significant ways is through you and your support.

We serve an awesome and holy God. My heart if full of praise for Him today!

My hope for you is that you too are drawing closer to Jesus every day, receiving the everlasting love He has for you, and accepting His blessings in your life.

Be blessed and praise the Lord!

The Daniel Fast growing in popularity

As you may know, the Daniel Fast was very popular in January as tens of thousands of Christians started the New Year with prayer and fasting. But the good news is that now thousands of followers of Christ are turning to prayer and fasting as they seek a closer relationship with Him.

I truly believe the Lord is calling His people to draw close to Him in a deeper and more profound way. He longs for us to be in intimate relationship with Him. And I sense the Holy Spirit is moving on the hearts of Christians to “come closer.”

Setting aside a specific time for prayer and fasting is certainly one of the best ways to increase your faith and strengthen your friendship with Jesus. Most people use the Daniel Fast for a 21-day period, however there is nothing that says this is the only way to enter a partial fast. I have used the Daniel Fast for seven days, 10 days, and 50 days, along with the more traditional 21-day fast.

I also commonly fast with water only for three-day periods when I have a special need and I am seeking the wisdom of God. When we set our minds and heart toward the Lord, and come to Him in a pure and longing manner, He will answer us. Our Lord is faithful. He is good. And even though I have been a follower of Jesus Christ for more than 35 years, I am still amazed that the Creator of All allows me to sit in His presence and receive His everlasting love and grace!

Be blessed as you fast. Seek the Lord and His direction. And visit this blog often to let us know how you are doing.

Fasting with a Purpose – The Daniel Fast

When you study the Scriptures, you’ll find that when people fasted it was for a purpose — not just a religious exercise. Daniel fasted from the king’s foods and wine because they had been offered to the Babylonian gods and he didn’t want to defile his body. He later prayed and fasted to “encourage” the prophesied release from captivity for the Israelites from Babylon. And in his third recorded fast, Daniel was seeking solace for the great pressure he felt because of a dream he had experienced.

 In the New Testament, people would fast when they needed guidance or answers to prayers. Many times, when the Scripture used the words “by prayer and supplication” it likely referred to fasting.

As you prepare for your Daniel Fast, what will be your purpose? Are their special needs in your family? Is there a loved one who has not accepted Christ? Do you have financial pressures? Is there illness that needs healing? Do you need a new job or help with your business?

Take some time and write down your needs and your purpose for fasting. These will be your subjects of prayer and Bible study. Amazing things happen during times of prayer and fasting! Seek the Lord. He is our Holy God! The Almighty. And nothing is impossible for Him. Call on the Name of the Lord! Prayer opens the doors of our lives so the Lord can perform His works! Ask. Seek. Knock.

Fast with a purpose! And see what the Lord will do!

Good-bye 2007

I am so looking forward to the end of this year! It’s been one of great testing and stretching of faith. I’ve heard from many others that they too experienced major trials in 2007.  The violence and hatred in this last week is just another example of the gross darkness of the world today.

In the Bible, the number 7 means completion! Oh, I am so glad of that . . . and the number 8 is new beginnings! Thank God.

And what a great way to start a year of new beginnings with prayer and fasting. Psalm 91 is one of my favorite bodies of Scripture. In it, we read about the Lord being our refuge and our dwelling place. A “refuge” is a place of safety, security and protection. A “dwelling place” is where one lives. God gives us a wonderful promise that we can live in Him and under His protection.

In these turbulent times, we need to know where we live! It is the Secret Place of the Most High! And we need to make sure we don’t just visit this beautiful place, but that we do indeed live there and rest in the presence of God. Yes, we are in this world, but we are not of this world.

Jesus earned our entry into the Throne Room. We have free access there, a place of peace, joy and abundance. As we begin this New Year, let’s all remind ourselves of our home address — The Secret Place of the Most High! And let’s enter into our Father’s presence with praise and worship as we draw closer to Him.

During the Daniel Fast

I wanted to add a little note, and there will probably be many more, about what will happen to you during the Daniel Fast. The reason I am so keen on writing about it now is that as I tap the keyboard, I am on the third day of a water only fast (see types of fasting).  This is known as a normal fast and was the most commonly form used in the Bible.

But physically, I am more tired, sluggish, and a little light headed. I have also experienced a few dizzy spells. This won’t happen as acutely on the Daniel Fast because you will have food in your system. But you will likely experience some physical sensations including light headaches and perhaps a little light headed. You might want to read “Your Body Might Resist the Daniel Fast” to be aware of other effects and why.

I just though I would let you know . . . your body will likely experience some changes, and you just need to be patient as they will pass.

Of course, if you are at all concerned, be sure to check with your health provider! No need to bring harm to your body for the sake of fasting.  Several months ago, I did a 10-day normal fast. There were a couple times that I thought I was going to faint. The first time it happened I was actually in a grocery store shopping for my family. I just grabbed a small bottle of organic 100% orange juice and sipped it while I finished my shopping. I was fine and then just resumed my fast. The other time it happened, I was at home and again I just drank a small amount of juice.

Be wise on your fast . . . you will know the difference between “giving in” and taking care of your body.

2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit — $4.95

The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit – $4.95Daniel Fast for Body Soul & Spirit

Available now for immediate download

This 54-page Daniel Fast eBook was written especially for Christian men and women who want meaning and depth to their Fast by prayerful preparation and daily journaling. The eBook includes:

  • Daniel Fast Guidelines
  • Daniel Fast Food Lists
  • Meal Planning Forms
  • Daniel Fast Recipes and Menus (updated with the weekly Daniel Fast Newsletter).
  • How to Prepare your Spirit
  • How to Prepare Your Soul
  • How to Prepare You Body
  • Journal pages to capture your reflections and insights
  • Food log to track your food and water intake
  • Fasting tips
  • Prayers and Meditations
  • Meditations and valuable insights to assure your success for the Daniel Fast.
  • Plus, a free subscription to the Daniel Fast Newsletter so you can learn of miracles, answered prayer, fasting tips, recipes, and other interesting information about the Daniel Fast

And more valuable information that will assure your success for the Daniel Fast. Included with the purchase of The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit is ongoing email follow-ups with recipes, fasting tips, prayers, news about miracles and answered prayer and other Daniel Fast Resources.

Perhaps one of the best benefits of this eBook is that you will learn ways to walk in the spirit and separate from the flesh, just like the Scriptures call us to do. This eBook will help you focus and bring meaning and depth to your fasting experience.

The 2008 Daniel Fast for Body, Soul and Spirit is now available in the eBook form for the low cost of just $4.95

Types of Fasting

The Daniel Fast is just one type of fasting that’s modeled after accounts in the Bible. Biblical fasting is the restriction of food for spiritual reasons. And we find followers fasting throughout the Old and New Testaments.

The Scripture speaks of three types of fasting:

  1. Partial Fasting – Daniel engaged in a partial fast as recorded in Daniel 10:2, 3, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” We don’t know for sure why Daniel didn’t totally abstain from food, because it appears that he did so in the fast recorded in Chapter 9. However, for some reason, Daniel engaged in a partial fast to seek the Lord’s wisdom.
  2. Normal Fast – This is the fast that Jesus did when he went into the wilderness. He ate no food and appears to have had only water. The reason scholars conclude that he drank water while on this fast was because the Scripture says he was hungry, but did not say he was thirsty. The devil tempted Jesus with bread, but not with water. So we assume this was a water only fast.
  3. Absolute Fast – This is when no food and no liquids are consumed. It’s the rare fast and only mentioned a few times in the Bible. Paul, during his Damascus Road experience “was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.” We can’t tell for sure if this was because he was so shocked by what was happening with him or if it was for spiritual purposes.

In Ezra 10 we find the prophet so distraught over the actions of the people that he went into great mourning and praying before the Lord. At this time he neither ate nor drank for at least one night and perhaps longer.

There are a few examples of 40-day absolute fasts where the men must have been sustained supernaturally. Moses,  on two separate occasions when he was before God, neither ate nor drank. Elijah seems to have traveled across the desert for 40 days while eating no food nor drinking any water. He was ministered to by an angel who gave him water and cakes.

These are just some accounts of the fasting recorded in the Bible. There are many more, and not necessarily a standard. Daniel fasted for 21 days, Jesus for 40, Ezra for one night, Cornelius for 4 days, Paul for 3. It seems that all these people were seeking God through their fasting and perhaps the Lord led them in the “design” of their fast.

In January, thousands of men and women will come together in unity for a 21-day fast. Most will use the Daniel Fast as their form of fasting. I have heard several pastors say they will engage in a normal fast for 21 days and some for 30 days. I’ve read of men and women of God who have fasted from all food for 40 days — usually just a few times in their lives.

I think the important point of fasting not have a specific pattern or legalistic form is that it be Spirit-led. Before you decide the form of fasting you will use, seek the Lord. Ask Him to direct you, then trust that He will show you how to fast as you enter into this spiritual discipline to draw closer to Him. 

The Daniel Fast is ALWAYS a Spiritual Fast!

Okay, I might get some raised eyebrows on this post! But I’m just trying to bring some clarity about the Daniel Fast. And by the way, it’s a Daniel FAST and not a Daniel DIET!

Why am I making such a distinction? The reality is that the Daniel Fast is much more than the types of food consumed. If you are looking for the Daniel Diet then click on the food list and call it a “twist” on a vegan diet.

Entering the Daniel Fast without a spiritual purpose is like going golfing without clubs. You may have had a great time walking around the course and even yelling, “Fore!” But the reality is that you really weren’t golfing. You were doing something else . . . which is fine, but it wasn’t golfing.

You see, the Daniel Fast originated with the prophet Daniel! And the reason Daniel fasted was because of his devotion to God. The devotion came before the dietary restrictions, not the other way around.

Daniel records three times when he fasted, but he most likely did so more often. The first fast was recorded in Daniel 1. The food and wine the king wanted Daniel to eat had been offered to idols. However, he had already consecrated (set apart) his life to God. If he ate or drank of these things, he would defile his body. So that’s why Daniel requested that he eat only vegetables (which actually included fruit) and drink only water.

Chapter 9 has the second recorded time of Daniel fasting and when he was deeply distraught over the nation of Israel being in exile. Jeremiah had already prophesied that Israel would be set free after 70 years of captivity. The time had come and so Daniel prayed and fasted. This time, it was probably what is called a “normal fast,” which is water only.

Chapter 10 has the third recorded time of Daniel fasting. He was concerned about a powerful dream he had received. The Scripture says he mourned for three weeks and ate no delicacies and no meat and drank no wine. This three week fast is the hub of the current day’s form of fasting commonly known as the Daniel Fast.

You can see that in all three instances, Daniel fasted for spiritual reasons. Once to stay pure before the Lord and two times to seek the Lord’s wisdom, direction and answers to prayer.

Daniel didn’t fast because he was overweight or needed a health tune-up. He fasted because of God in his life.

Now, please don’t get me wrong. I am all for healthy eating and losing weight and even the wonderful health benefits of the Daniel Fast. But to call eating the way Daniel did a “fast” without a primary motivation to draw closer to God just isn’t accurate. Biblical fasting was always about restricting food and always for the purpose of drawing closer to the Lord, observing spiritual laws, or seeking God in prayer.

So if you really want to use Daniel as the model, I hope you will do it all the way. Seeking and finding God is the most significant benefit of the Daniel Fast. Improving ones health is a great side benefit!

Lessons from Daniel for the Daniel Fast

As I study more about the Daniel Fast, I obviously learn more about Daniel the prophet. And I find that the more I look into this man’s character, the more my excitement about starting the Daniel Fast grows. Let me explain:

Daniel had a foundation — GOD! Everything he did was a response to his devotion and commitment to God. God wasn’t an occasional thought for Daniel, but rather everything Daniel did was for the God he worshiped and lived for – even when he found himself and his people (the Jews) under the rule of Babylonian kings.

Daniel’s commitment reminds me of Smith Wigglesworth, perhaps the best-known “faith healer” of this century. He had a saying, “I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved by what I believe.” Wigglesworth believed Jesus was the Healer! And the result was thousands of healings when Wigglesworth ministered to people, including 13 documented cases of people being raised from the dead.

Wigglesworth and Daniel had the same foundation – God. Everything else came after.

In Matthew 6:33, we read as Jesus instructs us to, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then these things shall be added unto you.” Jesus is telling us to keep God first! Keep His right ways of doing things at the forefront of everything we do. THEN we will have all we need.

God instructed Joshua in the same way. When Joshua had the grave task of taking over where Moses left off, he was worried about his ability to lead the Israelites into the promised land. But God comforted Joshua and assured him that He would always be with him. The Lord gives Joshua clear instructions, including, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  Joshua 1:8

First things first! It was the way of Daniel and Joshua. It was the way of Jesus and His disciples. It was the way of Smith Wigglesworth and others in our times. It can also be my way and your way . . . and entering the Daniel Fast is a great time to commit our lives to the only God and to turn our hearts to Him.

Prayer and Fasting

I just finished a long response to one of the visitors to The Daniel Fast weblog. I wanted to pass it on, because others may have similar questions about prayer and fasting — and fear and unbelief.

Hi Justin, Thanks for your question. Before I answer, please understand that I am not a pastor, physician, or theologian. I am a “sold out for Jesus” Christian and in that position give my thoughts about your question

I think the best thing we can do above everything is seek God. I mean really go after Him. I hope you are spending time in His Word each and every day. You know the saying, “There’s power in the Word?” Well, it’s true. There is supernatural power in the Word of God but the only way you can access that power is by spending time reading, praying the Scriptures, and studying.

I encourage you to create a “Secret Place,” where you meet with the Lord every day. Read Psalm 91 and claim every verse that is in it. Pray through it and ask the Lord to meet you and minister to you. I promise you, He longs for a deep and loving relationship with you.

The writer of Hebrews explains in detail about Jesus being our High Priest. That means He is a minister to us and for us. The High Priest’s whole purpose is to be for the people He serves. Jesus wants you whole and completely well.

Now here is the sticking point. Throughout the New Testament, we learn that if we are to receive the abundant blessings the Lord has for us that we need only to believe. We need to totally trust our lives into the hands of God and believe that He will do everything He says in His Word. If you are like most Christians today (and like I was not too long ago) you have a lot of doubt in your heart. Doubt and fear cancel out faith and hope.

So what is the solution? You need to “grow your faith.” And how do you do that? “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Spend time with God and His Word. Take EVERYTHING to Him in prayer, including any doubt and unbelief you may have.

Entering the Daniel Fast “as unto the Lord” is a perfect way for you to devote yourself to the Father. Keep Him at the forefront of your mind and in all you do. Tell Jesus you want to know Him as Lord and Healer. Don’t feel self-centered about wanting to be healed. Jesus wants you healed. The truth is, He already healed you on the cross . . . just as He provided everlasting life to anyone who will receive Him when He died once for all . . . He also provided healing. “By His stripes we WERE healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 Again, it goes back to trust.

I received the Lord’s healing after suffering for many years with a chronic disease. It was not an instantaneous healing, but rather one that took place gradually. Why gradual? For me it was because my belief grew gradually. I am now completely healed!

One more thing that might help you as you work through to your healing: read Matthew 17:14-21.

“And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him and saying, “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him.” 
 Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.” And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour.  Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”  So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

When Jesus talks about “this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting,” most people think He is referring to the demons in the boy the disciples were praying for. But if you examine the context carefully and compare it to other passages about this same situation along with the whole of Scripture, you will see that Jesus was talking about unbelief. Prayer and fasting is the antidote for doubt and unbelief. So study this scripture, then get a mustard seed . . . you might have some in your spice cabinet. If not, invest a few dollars (spiritual learning aid) and buy a bottle at the store. Jesus says that even with faith the size of a mustard seed . . . that we can move mountains! My guess is that you have faith the size of a mustard seed – but the unbelief is canceling it out.

So, back to the beginning . . . this is a perfect time for you to enter the Daniel Fast.

I hope this helps and please feel free to contact me again. I love talking about the Lord!

What is the Daniel Fast?

In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks.  I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. Daniel 10:2, 3

The Daniel Fast is a form of partial fasting. It is based on the Prophet Daniel when he was under the rule of Babylonian kings for their personal service. Daniel recorded three occasions of fasting, though he likely fasted many more times since he was a man of God.

In Daniel 1 we read about the time when offered the “king’s diet,” Daniel restricted his food intake to vegetables and water, rather than eat or drink anything that had been offered to Babylonian gods.

In Daniel 9 is the account of Daniel fasting and praying. This was probably a “normal fast” where he denied all food and drank only water.

In Daniel 10 is where we find Daniel using a partial form of fasting for 21 days. It is this account that today’s very popular Daniel Fast is modeled.

In the purest sense, The Daniel Fast is always a spiritual fast, even though many turn to the dietary restrictions laid out in the fast for health reasons. Those using the food lists from the Daniel Fast don’t partake of the spiritual benefits of this specific fast. I guess in this sense that could be called the Daniel Diet rather than the Daniel Fast.

The reason the “pure” Daniel Fast is always first spiritual is because Daniel chose the fast for spiritual purposes. He did not want to defile his body, which he had consecrated (set aside) for the Lord. And, while Scripture doesn’t state it, it’s likely that the superior health and wisdom Daniel gained from this fast was through God’s intervention.

If you are considering the Daniel Fast as your form of spiritual fasting, then there are several steps that you will want to complete:

1. Pray. Spiritual fasting is first directed toward God! So take time to pray to our Lord and ask Him if He wants you to fast at this time. This is really important. You don’t want to enter a fast only for your own purposes (self-centered) or only because your church (human-being-centered) has decided to fast. You want all your fasting to be God-centered. See Isaiah 58.

2. Prepare. Once you sense the leading from the Lord that this is a right time to fast, then begin to prepare you heart. Continue to seek God’s direction. What will be the focus of your fast? Will you use this fast to increase our trust in the Lord? Will you fast corporately with your church body and adopt that focus? Is there a specific trial and you need a breakthrough? Decide your purpose and then begin preparing your heart.

You will also want to prepare for the dietary part of the Daniel Fast. Review these posts:

Daniel Fast Food List

Menu Planning



3. Sanctify Yourself: To “sanctify” is to set apart. Daniel sanctified himself unto the Lord and therefore did not eat the rich foods or those offered to the Babylonian gods. As you enter into the Daniel Fast, you also can sanctify yourself and your fast unto the Lord. Make a commitment and set yourself apart for your fast period to diligently seek the Lord and experience His presence as never before.

4. Sanctify the Time. Keep in mind at all times in your fast that this is “unto the Lord.” Set aside time every day to pray, study God’s Word, and to be quiet before our Lord. He wants to meet with you! He wants to demonstrate His deep and abiding love for you. If this is new to you, be patient with yourself and keep at it! Sanctify a time every day to meet with the Lord.

5. Journal Writing. Keeping track of your food intake and writing about your experience will add a richness and depth to your fast that is hard to get any other way, especially if you don’t fast frequently. That’s why I created The Daniel Personal Journal. Each day you can log the types of food you ate at each meal, keep track of your water consumption and not your weight (although this is not the primary reason for the fast).

You can also record your personal insights each day as you walk through the fast. What are you experiencing? What is the Lord teaching you? You will be surprised as the way the Lord will minister to you during this precious time of fasting.

6. Stay Present with the Lord: Use this Daniel Fast as a time to increase your focus on the Lord. Obviously, you won’t be able to pray every minute. But take time to ask the Lord to keep you in the right place at the right time. Keep your heart “stayed on Him.” Keep Him present with you as you interact with family members, friends, work associates, and other believers. Pray more often about even simple tasks and encounters. Increase your awareness in the Lord and that He is ever present with you.

7. Press On: There will be times on the Fast that your body and soul will kick and scream and your spirit needs to take charge! There will be times when you will need to alter your plans or make special provision so that you can remain in the Fast. This is all very normal and all part of the fasting experience. So what do you do? Press on! Succeeding in the fast by pressing on in the hard times will strengthen your character and your spiritual muscle.

8. Completion: In not too many days you will complete the Daniel Fast. You will want to reflect on your experience and notice your spiritual growth. What did you see of God while you fasted? What did He see of you? What did you learn? Are there things that came up that you know you need to address even now? Make sure to take time to reflect and take hold of the lessons learned and the blessings gained. The Bible says, “God rewards those who diligently seek Him.” Hopefully, you have had a successful and spiritually maturing fast and know of His rewards.