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Posts tagged ‘21-day fast’

Daniel Fast – it’s so much more than the food!

I am concerned about a trend that seems to be happening in the Daniel Fast genre. And it has to do with so much attention being put on recipes and cookbooks and what we can eat and what we can’t! The Daniel Fast is so much more than food! And when we keep our focus on the food, it seems it’s just another way to feed the flesh rather than denying it!

Don’t get me wrong, I know we need to have good recipes for the Daniel Fast. After all, this is a partial fast where some foods are restricted and other foods are allowed. But the Daniel Fast is not a plan to merely replace all the foods we enjoy eating all the time with a vegan variety!

With that said, I do believe God is using the Daniel Fast to bring more of His people into a healthy way of feeding the Temple of the Holy Spirit – a temple He has entrusted to our care. And with the health crisis in the United States and other countries in the world, it’s critical that we start eating good foods designed by the Creator for the bodies He created!

But I encourage all those who use the Daniel Fast as their method of fasting to examine your heart as you try to figure out ways to satisfy the flesh by going to great lengths to serve up some alternative.

Again, please don’t misunderstand me. I know we need good recipes. I know it’s okay for us to enjoy the food the Lord created for us. But I also know that we need to keep things in balance and not get our eyes so much on the food that we miss the purpose of fasting. It’s a spiritual experience where we put our whole beings under the submission of the Lord. And I do believe there is a danger in going too far in satisfying the flesh by focusing too much on food and missing out on the vital element of submission that a period of prayer and fasting employs.

The Daniel Fast – will you see what the Lord wants to show you?

As I met with the Lord this morning, He showed me something that I want to share with you. It has to do with the condition of our hearts.

Psalm 44:21 tells us that God knows the secrets of our hearts. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Too often we come to the Lord and ask Him to use us for His purposes. We ask Him to make in us a clean heart. It’s like walking up to the Lord, but meanwhile behind us we are dragging lots of baggage. Some of the contents we know, but it’s very likely that most of the “stuff” is invisible to us.

So then the Lord says, “Yes, I want to use you! So let’s get you ready for service. How about getting rid of that stuff that’s dragging behind you and keeping you from running the race with top speed?”

This message often comes to us when we knowingly disobey Him or when our emotions are filled with fear, anxiety or unforgiveness. It might be when we collide with our own unhealthy attitudes or behaviors.

These are all times when we can humbly come to the Lord and allow Him so show us the secrets in our heart. He is our loving Father. He wants only good for us. And we can trust Him.

I hope this thought is helpful to you . . . our Father wants us well so we can be all He created us to be!

Be blessed as you continue to grow in the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!

In Him and for Him,

God’s Chosen Fast

I am writing to ask you for money! And I admit, for this cause I will ask boldly and without any embarrassment or shame. Let me explain:

January 9th was the first day of my Daniel Fast. My purpose for fasting this year is for one primary reason . . . to help children who don’t have enough food to eat.

If you’ve read much of my writing or heard me speak, you know that I am a strong advocate for fasting. I know prayer and fasting changes people and for many their lives are forever blessed as they draw closer to God. As one who teaches about the Daniel Fast, I also know the amazing health benefits of this partial fast as we eat a plant-based diet of only foods created by our Creator. I believe with all my heart that God is pleased as we fast with a sincere and submitted heart.

God also teaches about another kind of fast. He declared it to His people in Isaiah 58:6-9 —

Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?

Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh?

Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.

Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, “Here I am.”

Life in Jesus calls us to care for those who are hurting. And right now as you read these words children around the world are dying because they don’t have food to eat or clean water to drink! With all the resources in the hands of God’s people, this shouldn’t be. And that’s why I can without any reservation ask you to help feed these children by donating from your financial resources to buy them food.

I’ve traveled to the poorest countries in world. I’ve seen children dying because of starvation and I can tell you it is tragic! My heart has been broken for the poor — which I am sure is nothing compared to how much God’s heart must break every hour of every day.

I am partnering with Compassion International, one of the most highly respected Christian child-advocacy ministries in the world. And so today I am asking you to join me by giving a financial gift of whatever amount the Lord leads you to give. I have decided to give the amount I spend on myself for food during the Daniel Fast. You might be able to give more . . . or perhaps you can give only a small gift at this time.

I am just asking you to give something . . . to share your bread with the hungry . . . to enter into God’s chosen fast.

You can give your gift very simply by clicking on this link:

If you want to learn even more about the effort, go to

Every day my team and I answer the questions of hundred of men and women who are on the Daniel Fast. They want to follow the eating plan and so their questions are valid. They want to know what they can eat . . .

I am asking you to answer the cry of children who don’t have food . . . children who also ask, “What can we eat.” But their question is more dire and the answer is more critical and mere words won’t help them.

Please, I hope you will join me in God’ chosen fast.

Be blessed, 


¸.· ´¸.·*´¨)¸.·*¨)


The Daniel Fast – is it Really Hard on the Budget?

I am eager to hear from men and women about the cost of the Daniel Fast eating plan. I read posts from men and women saying they can’t afford to go on the Daniel Fast because it’s too expensive.

Please leave your thoughts about this so I can address if from a place of more specific information. What is too expensive? And what are the comparisons?

My food bill goes down during the Daniel Fast. So that’s why I am curious about this claim that, “the Daniel Fast is too expensive and so I can’t fast.”

Thanks for your help! I am eager to hear from people who will give specific information and not just generalities, which have already been supplied.

Thanks in advance for your help!

The Daniel Fast and Fasting for Food

I am delighted to announce a new partnership with Compassion International, one of the most respected child-advocacy ministries in the world, and Richard Bloomer who is an associate professor at the University of Memphis. Richard and his team of researchers have conducted clinical studies that show the health benefits of the 21-Day Daniel Fast.

Together, we are all working to recruit men and women who are using the Daniel Fast to begin the New Year – to help raise funds so children who don’t have enough to eat can receive the food they need.

Go to to see a short video about this great opportunity to make a huge difference in the lives of hurting children. This is an exciting new program and truly puts the power of Christ’s love into action as we help those in poverty by “fasting for food.”

You can also visit the Fasting for Food site:


The Daniel Fast for the 2011 New Year

It’s hard to know how many men, women and teens around the world start the New Year with an extended period of prayer and fasting. Estimates range from hundreds of thousands to millions. One thing we know for sure is that the trend is gaining. Very likely, more people than ever will begin 2011 with a New Year fast.  It seems that the preferred method of fasting is the Daniel Fast, which is a partial fast where some foods are consumed and others are restricted.

There is no “official” date to start the 21-day New Year fast, but from what I’ve been able to gather from my research and from the hundreds of email messages I receive each week, most people will begin the 2011 New Year Fast on Sunday, January 9th and complete the fast on Sunday, January 30th.

In years gone by, the common start date for the New Year fast is the first Sunday in January. However, since that’s on January 3rd in 2011, and so close to the New Year when many families will be traveling, many leaders have decided to start the New Year fast on the following Sunday, January 9th.

Jentezen Franklin, the pastor at Free Chapel churches in Gainesville, GA and Irvine, CA has been a prominent promoter of the New Year fast. He teaches about prayer and fasting in the churches he pastors and on his television broadcasts. Many of those joining Jentezen Franklin in this corporate fast will use the Daniel Fast as their method of fasting.

A corporate fast is when as few as three and as many as thousands of Christians join together for a period of prayer and fasting. Many church leaders call their congregations to a period of corporate prayer and fasting. Likewise, many leaders of Christian causes will ask those called to provoking change in the world through intercession to join in a corporate fast. During this time, those fasting will pray for God’s will to be accomplished in the matter for which they are praying.

But you don’t need to fast with other people. Many individuals choose to start the New Year with a period of prayer and fasting for personal needs or to pray for the needs of those who God has placed in their care. Many husbands and wives choose to start the New Year with prayer and fasting and if they have children who are old enough to be introduced to the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting, it might be a family practice.

Personally, I think it’s wise to start the New Year with prayer and fasting. The purpose of fasting is to draw closer to God, to pray that His will be done, and to study the Word and the ways of the Lord. In these shaky times you and I can either be controlled by circumstances and the tough times – or we can partner with the Lord and through our prayer release His will into our lives and our situations.

If you want learn more about the Daniel Fast, receive a copy of the Daniel Fast Guidelines or find helpful resources that will assist you toward a successful fast, visit and join with hundreds of thousands of men, women and teens around the world as they focus their lives on God for a powerful period of prayer and fasting.

The Daniel Fast in the Bible

The Daniel Fast is based on the fasting experiences of the prophet Daniel from the Old Testament in the Bible. It’s a partial fast where a group of foods are restricted for a spiritual purpose.

The Daniel Fast affords people a powerful time to focus special attention toward their God and His Word – the Holy Bible.

Since 2007, this blog has served thousands of men, women and teens who enter the Daniel Fast to draw closer to God, pray for specific purposes or to study the Bible and learn God’s ways.

My prayer is that you will spend some time on the blog and also visit and learn about the fast. You will find a caring and warm community here – and you can join our mailing list by going to to receive complimentary information about the fast, Bible study messages and devotions.

Be blessed as you continue to grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Daniel Fast Guidelines

If you want a copy of the Daniel Fast Guidelines, just to go and you will receive a convenient brochure that you can use for meal planning, shopping and dining. The complimentary Daniel Fast Guidelines are in a PDF file that will be emailed directly to you.

The New Daniel Fast Book

The Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory

Click on the book! Available at your online or local bookstore.

I am so pleased to announce the release of my brand new paperback book titled The Daniel Fast: Feed Your Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, and Renew Your Body and published by Tyndale Publishing House. It’s available at all local and online bookstores throughout North America.

I have been able to go into great depths about the powerful discipline of prayer and fasting and really give you everything you need for a successful Daniel Fast in the 288 pages of this book.

As you can see from this blog and my Daniel Fast site, there is a lot to learn about the Daniel Fast. Thankfully, over the years as I’ve researched the hundreds of questions being asked, I’ve been able to gain a level of expertise about the Daniel Fast and it’s biblical truths and foundations.

I do hope you will support this lay ministry by purchasing this new paperback book from your favorite bookseller. I also want you to get it so that you can become an ambassador for the Daniel Fast and help get the truth out about the guidelines and what it really is all about. I have been shocked by what some are teaching about this fast . . . and that’s why you and others are needed to inform those who may be misled.

The book includes everything someone needs for a successful fast including what fasting is, the biblical background of prayer and fasting, how to prepare for a Daniel Fast, the Daniel Fast Guidelines, plenty of nutritious and tasty recipes for your Daniel Fast (it’s almost like a cookbook within a book), a 21-day Daniel Fast Daily Devotional, and a FAQ section!

So, please join me to get the word out about The Daniel Fast as more and more Christians enter into this discipline. The fasting movement is spreading throughout the world! And I praise God for all He is doing to motivate His children to draw closer to Him through prayer and fasting.

Be blessed and thanks in advance for your support!

The 2010 New Year Fast – The Daniel Fast

Praise God! The time is fast approaching for the New Year Fast. So many of us have experienced amazing breakthroughs and a deeper relationship with God during this 21-day period of focused prayer and fasting.

First, let me say that there is no right or wrong time to start the New Year Fast. However, most people will start it at sundown on Sunday, January 3rd. Pastor Jentezen Franklin from of Free Chapel Church (GA and CA) has called the corporate fast he leads to begin on January 10th and conclude on the 31st.

Now if you or your church starts at another time, then all is well. So don’t worry about a specific date or time.

If you want a copy of the Daniel Fast Guidelines emailed to you, please visit and enter your first name and email list in the little form. This will subscribe you to the Daniel Fast Community where you will receive occasional emails with fasting tips, recipes, devotions and lots of information about spiritual fasting and the Daniel Fast.

Also, be sure to begin preparing for the fast about 10-7 days before your start date. Drink plenty of filtered water (home filtering is fine) and taper off caffeine, sugar and processed foods.

Lastly, decide your focus for the fast. Most important is to draw closer to God. But this is also an excellent opportunity to seek God for the challenges you may be facing right now.

Be blessed, dear one, as you read these words. I hope you stay in touch as you continue to grow in the love and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through prayer and fasting.

Another good reason for no MSG on the Daniel Fast

I just read an article from Johns Hopkins University that cited a new study about MSG. You can find it at MSG STUDY. It’s worth reading, especially when you wonder why you feel so good while on the Daniel Fast.

The article is also very convincing as to why most men and women lose weight while on the Daniel Fast. Here’s an overview:

The study finds that MSG causes the human body to gain weight three times more than those who don’t use the chemical! Here’s an excerpt:

“The study focused on 750 Chinese men and women, ages 40-59, living in 3 rural villages in north and south China. Most of the study subjects prepared their meals at home without commercially processed foods and roughly 82 percent used MSG. Those participants who used the highest amounts of MSG had nearly 3 times the incidence of overweight as those who did not use MSG, even when physical activity, total caloric intake, and other possible explanations for body mass differences were accounted for. The positive correlation between MSG and higher weight confirmed what animal studies have been suggesting for years.”

Most people think MSG (monsodium glutamate) is found only in prepared Chinese food or the food you get in Chinese restaurants. But the truth is that more and more food manufactures are adding MSG to their products because the chemical is a flavor enhancer.

Here is what is really amazing: in 1950 Americans consumed about 1 million pounds of MSG a year. Now that consumption has increased by 300 percent! That’s right, American consume more than 3 million pounds of MSG each year! And we wonder why we have a weight problem!

The best way to avoid MSG is to make you own meals from scratch. When that it’s possible, then – here we go again – READ THE LABEL on the foods you purchase to see what the ingredients include. One problem is that the law only requires ingredients to be listed if they represent a certain percent of all the ingredients. So if what seems like only a small amount of MSG is added, then it will not appear on the list.

I hope that most of those on the Daniel Fast are making most of your meals from fresh products and using packaged products that you can be sure don’t include chemicals. One thing I know is that many men and women continue to eat a more healthy diet with pure foods after they complete the fast because they realize good food is so good for them.

Please take a few minutes and read the article about THE MSG STUDY. You owe it to yourself and to your body!

Daniel Fast Guidelines

In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks.  I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. Daniel 10:2, 3

Get an immediate download of the Daniel Fast Guidelines at

The Daniel Fast is a plant-based partial fast. It is based on the Prophet Daniel when he was under the rule of Babylonian kings for their personal service. Daniel recorded three occasions of fasting, though he likely fasted many more times since he was a man of God.

Daniel 10:2, 3 is where we find the model for the 21-day Daniel Fast. From this passage, a guidelines have developed over the years, primarily by Christians who use this as a form of fasting. The Daniel Fast has grown in popularity over the last 3 or 4 years as it’s been championed by Pastor Jentezen Franklin of Gainesville, GA.

No Pleasant Food: This would include breads, sugars and sweet foods.

No Meat: All animal products are restricted on the Daniel Fast. That includes meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products (milk, eggs, cheese, butter, etc.)

No Wine: This restriction, coupled with previous fasts where Daniel drank only water (which is typical for biblical fasting), is where today’s Daniel Fast finds its roots for water only. Fruit and vegetable juices are acceptable.

See The Daniel Fast Food List for more details.

For a collection of recipes and menu plans that will take you through an entire 21-day Daniel Fast, click here.

Spiritual Fasting: The Daniel Fast is a restriction of food for spiritual purposes. So the fast addresses not only the body, but also ones spirit and soul.

See these two posts for more information about Spiritual Fasting:

Spirit, Soul and Body

The Daniel Fast is Always a Spiritual Fast

For more complete information about the Daniel Fast (and to have all the information easily accessible) consider The Daniel Fast for the Body Soul and Spirit.

Daniel Fast Recipes

The last several weeks have been wild! It’s all good! And I am thankful to be able to announce a brand new collection of Daniel Fast recipes. They are all new in the Daniel Fast Cookbook – Version II.

The Daniel Fast Cookbook - Version II

The Daniel Fast Cookbook - Version II

This cookbook is a great stand-alone, but also serves as an excellent companion to the Daniel Fast Cookbook – Version I or even Daniel’s Fast Cookbook. The Daniel Fast Cookbook – Version II is more than 100 pages and more recipes than you will need for the fast. It’s already sold 100s of copies to my great Daniel Fast friends who purchased eBooks from me before.

The Daniel Fast Cookbooks are filled with Daniel Fast recipes and you can visit the new website that I am working on:

You can click on “Store” and purchase this new Daniel Fast Cookbook or The Daniel Fast for the Body, Soul and Spirit.

Thanks in advance for supporting this lay ministry by purchasing the eBooks. My whole goal with this blog, the Daniel Fast website and the Daniel Fast Cookbooks is to support you and others as you enter into this powerful time of spiritual fasting!

The Daniel Fast Blogger is catching up!

Good morning!

I want to thank everyone for their patience as I continue to catch up on all the comments left on the Daniel Fast blog in the last few days. I think there are now only 32 that still need a response. My little fingers are typing as fast as they can go . . . and I have to admit that by late into the evening (after writing from dawn) my brain just gets mushy and you wouldn’t want my response!

All is well and I hope to be caught up by the end of today. I am away from my keyboard for a few hours while I do some volunteer work at my church. But for most of the day I will be tapping away on my computer in my little cottage in frozen Central Washington State (it’s currently -2 degrees – say, “Burrrrr.”).

Be blessed as you enter into the New Year fast. And please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I love offering you any assistance I can.

Oh, one more thing. I am in the process of building another website that I hope will be useful to members of our friendly Daniel Fast Community. You can check it out at but please keep in mind that it’s a lot like me . . . still under construction!

Have a great day!

A New Daniel Fast Website

Okay, after the last few weeks of designing and putting together a new Daniel Fast website, autoresponders and a new shopping cart . . . I think rocket science really is easier!

Please take a look a the ‘new Daniel Fast site that I am currently building. It will be one of the support sites where I can offer all kinds of tools and helps to support you in your Daniel Fast.

You can find the site here:

Please visit it periodically as it will be changing almost every day. The same is true of this Daniel Fast Blog. Now that we have entered 2009 you will find new content, thoughts and information every day.

God bless you and I hope the very best for you as you enter the 2009 Daniel Fast.

Happy New Year . . . almost

Hi my dear friends,

I am writing this post from snowy Washington State! Thankfully, I am near a roaring fire and have a lovely cup of hot Starbuck’s by my side! Oh, life is good.

This is one of my favorite times of year. Advent, Christmas, the New Year and the Daniel Fast are all squeezed into these months and they are full of life, creativity and anticipation!

I have been very busy completing a new Daniel Fast Cookbook and getting a new site built to help support you, me and others as we engage in this powerful New Year Fast. You can visit the site at but please keep in mind that it is not complete! I am much more of a writer than I am an Internet techie, so a lot of the details take me a lot of time. But God is good and He has put some wonderful and helpful people in my path to help me along the way.

Tonight will be one of my favorite nights of the year. For the fourth year in a row I will write my list entitled, “Wow! Look what I did in 2008!” Then I start looking back at all the many blessings and good memories of the year. I keep making the statement, “Wow! Look what I did in 2008,” until I have a list of 100 memories. Not all are mountaintop experiences. Some are sweet conversations with a friend or one of my children. Or sights I’ve enjoyed like seeing a doe and her fawn in my front yard. But other are big deals!

They all are listed. And the good thing about not quitting until I have 100 on my list is that I have to dig deep into the memory bank to list them. I get to relive these positive experiences, in a way. And this is a lovely way to capture special moments blessings.

This will be my fourth year and I now can look back and use lists from previous years to spark the memories that could so easily be lost in the shuffle of a busy life.

I can promise that high on my “Wow! Look what I did last year!” will be the great pleasure I have had in communicating with you and others through this simple little blog. Words cannot express how much you mean to me and the precious gift you are from the hand of my wonderful Abba Father.

I hope you end this year surrounded by good things and blessed memories. And that you look forward to the New Year with great joy and anticipation.

Happy New Year!

21 Day Daniel Fast – More and more turn to this powerful discipline

Fasting has been practiced by the faithful for centuries, but then seemed to drop out of practice. But the 21 Day Daniel Fast has experienced a huge upsurge in popularity. It seems that more and more men and women want to take their faith to a more powerful level. And they are turning to the 21 Day Daniel Fast as a way to draw nearer to God as they diligently seek His kingdom.

I hope you find this site helpful if this is the first time your have fasted for 21 days or more. You will find many helps from others as well as recipes and lot of advice about fasting.  I encourage you to click on the Start Here page. Then stick around a while. Many of your questions will be answered and you likely will be encouraged and motivated to experience the many benefits of prayer and fasting.

Also, if you are entering a 21 Day Daniel Fast and have questions, please feel free to ask them by leaving a comment. You will not only receive an quick answer from either me or another person in our Daniel Fast Community, but you will be helping others as they read your comment!

God bless you and I hope the very best for you as you seek the Lord.

Jentezen Franklin and the Daniel Fast

As I write this post, I am listening to an interview with Steve Strang from Charisma Magazine and Jentezen Franklin. They are talking about the great benefits of fasting. Jentezen talks about several kinds of fasting, including the Daniel Fast.

I will try to post the link to the interview so you can listen to it when it’s available. One thing that is clear, more and more people are turning to prayer and fasting as they seek a closer relationship with God. Even today, I am finding an increase on the number of people visiting this site, receiving the recipes they need to complete a successful fast, and reading the encouraging posts from people around the world who also are fasting now or have fasted in the recent months.

God is moving! He is preparing His people for these days. The Daniel Fast is a powerful way to draw near to God and to bring your needs before the Lord!

If you are visiting this site for the first time, I encourage you to spend some time here. There are hundreds of posts, so to get a good start, start at the beginning by going to the first page and then move around and read and learn about this powerful form of spiritual discipline.

Fasting Means Refraining from Food for a Spiritual Result

I know I might step on a few toes with this post, but I just want to make one thing very clear. That is what fasting IS and what it IS NOT!

The word FAST in Hebrew means “to cover the mouth.” In the Greek, FAST means “to abstain from food.”

So, when someone says, “I am fasting from television,” it’s like saying, “I am going to cover my mouth and not watch T.V.” Or, “I am going to abstain from food by not watching television.”

That doesn’t make sense, does it? Fasting is abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose. It always has to do with food, and it’s not about abstaining from other activities.

Please uderstand, I am not saying that it isn’t a good a powerful exercise to abstain from an activity such as television to spend more time in prayer, study or meditation. That’s all very good. But it is NOT fasting. Fasting has to do with food.

Remember that we are a spirit, we have a soul (also called the flesh in scripture) and we live in a body (like an “earth suit”). When we fast, our spirit-man is taking control over our soul and our body. Our spirit is saying to the other parts of us, “I am in control. I know you feel hungry. I know you may want a slice of bread or a cup of coffee, but you can’t have it. I am in control of you now and you must obey me.” Your spirit is taking charge!

Experiencing this kind of discipline helps you grow in faith. It helps your innerman know that s/he can have authority, even when the soul and body don’t agree. Fasting puts all of you on high alert to the things of God. It’s a spiritual discipline unto the Lord.

Abstaining from an activity to replace the spiritual discipline of fasting is like saying to God, “I want to do this my way, not Yours. I want Your results, but on my terms.” This is all mixed up. If you want the benefits of fasting, then fast. Give up food or some types of food for a period of time. Take control of your soul and your body. Quicken your spirit. Open it to the Lord and His wisdom. Fasting is of God. The patriarchs, Jesus and the New Testament leaders fasted and prayed when they wanted to focus intently on God.

The Daniel Fast is a partial fast because only a partial list of foods are not eaten. It’s an excellent way to enter a short fast if you are new to fasting, and it’s especially great if you are led to a long-term fast, like Daniel did for 21 days as recorded in Daniel 10.

Let’s make sure that we keep the fast what it is . . . abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose.

Frozen Veggies for the Daniel Fast

You will most likely increase your vegetable intake during the Daniel Fast. Fresh is great for your salads, but for cooking you might want to turn to the frozen food section of the grocery store.

The truth is that frozen foods maintain more of their vitamin and mineral content because they are flash frozen within a much shorter period of time from harvesting than those in the fresh produce section of the grocery store.

There are great vegetable medleys perfect for stir fry plus some mixed vegetables that are great for rice dishes and soup. Plus, when you READ THE INGREDIENTS you will find only the list of frozen vegetables . . . no sugar, no chemicals . . . just food!

The other great benefit is that these vegetables are all ready to go! They’re cleaned, cored, trimmed and cut into bite-size pieces. So the frozen vegetables come out on top in most cases when it comes to cooked dishes.